The 45X90 Spot

A spot in the middle of a soybean field in north-central Wisconsin marks a confluence of great significance to people who appreciate strange geography. Two invisible lines cross near the small town of Poniatowski; one representing 45 degrees north latitude and one representing 90 degrees west longitude.

The importance of this particular latitude is perhaps more easily rationalized than the longitude. Latitudes range from zero degrees at the equator to ninety degrees at the poles. Thus, 45 degrees north latitude marks a band halfway between the equator and the north pole. Yes, I recognize there are some complexities to this but the general concept is understandable.

However, longitude is based upon a prime meridian running through Greenwich, England. It’s there because an International Meridian Conference decided it should be that way in 1884. Had another prime meridian been selected then this particular 45N 90W spot would have been utterly meaningless. Then it would be just another nondescript Midwestern field. So I would have visited some other obscure point instead.


45° North + 90°West Confluence. Photo by; (CC BY-NC-SA 2.0)

Let’s go directly to the sign dedicated to this oddity:

This spot in Section 14, in the Town of Reitbrock, Marathon County is the exact center of the Northern half of the Western Hemisphere. It is here that the 90th meridian of longitude bisects the 45th parallel of latitude, meaning it is exactly halfway between the North Pole and the Equator, and is a quarter of the way around the earth from Greenwich, England.

Numerous websites note that it really shouldn’t be called a “Geological” marker. Give yourself a pat on the back if you caught that one too. Unfortunately, It’s probably a little late for them to change the sign.

45X90 Marker. Photo by; (CC BY-NC-SA 2.0)

A small rectangular concrete slab rests on the soil a few feet in front of the sign. At the center of the block sits a metallic circular marker reading: “MARATHON COUNTY SURVEYORS OFFICE / IMPRISONMENT OR FINE FOR DISTURBING THIS MARK / 45.00° N + 90.00° W”

A Park Too

45+90 Park. Photo by; (CC BY-NC-SA 2.0)

This is the little pocket park that Marathon County dedicated to the crossing of the two lines. It’s only 50 feet wide and 125 long. So it provides just enough room for a couple of cars to pull in without knocking anything over. I couldn’t get a good straight-on photograph during my visit because it was a wonderfully beautiful morning with the sun rising brightly and directly above the sign. It seemed great for visiting but bad for photography.

The slab marker appears to the right, where a shadow from the base of the sign touches the ground. Fields surround the park on three sides and a road runs along its western edge. It provides easy access but the park itself is so small and innocuous that I nearly drove past it without even realizing it.

This was also about the time my wife and kids announced that if I ever wanted to see anything more obscure I’d probably have to do it on my own. They were mildly accommodating but hardly enthralled by the hour-long detour. However this isn’t the first time I’ve gone out of my way for the intersections of imaginary lines and it probably won’t be the last.

The Secret

Since you’ve been kind enough to read all the way down the page it’s time to let you in on a dirty little secret. The two lines don’t actually cross at the marker in the park. They meet a couple of hundred yards away in the middle of the field. I guess the county didn’t have enough money to buy all of the land for an easement. Or maybe it wasn’t worth the trouble or effort. Perhaps they figured it was close enough for any odd straggler who happened to visit.

I confirmed this with my hand-held GPS receiver. I wasn’t detecting a whole lot of enthusiasm for traipsing out into the field to reach the exact spot so I considered this encounter “close enough” for me too. Then I closed the books on another adventure.


11 responses to “The 45X90 Spot”

  1. Steve_CTMQ Avatar

    Awesome. I can’t believe they’ ve noted the (near) spot with such signage.

    You’re family will thank you one day. At least that’s what I keep telling myself when I drag my wife and kid to such places.

  2. KG Avatar

    guess there is 3 of us on this planet, including steve who commented earlier.
    I actually googled for this place(yes I really did)and found your blog as a result.I saw the board on the side of the highway while driving from greenbay, WI to minneapolis
    we didnt take a detour as majority in the car were not interested and i was too tired to convince them.

    1. Twelve Mile Circle Avatar

      Welcome, kindred spirit! It takes a special person to appreciate the awesomeness of a place like the 45X90 spot. 🙂

  3. Tim Elliott Avatar
    Tim Elliott

    I am quite sure I’ve visited a similar marker somewhere in Wisconsin along the 45th parallel. There are probably a couple here and there. Leaving aside the fact that this particular marker is not at the actual spot, I was already leery of any such marker being exact, without them constantly moving the marker to account for continental drift!

  4. Fritz Keppler Avatar
    Fritz Keppler

    This is a very enjoyable spot. I visited on 11 June 2007, during a trip in which I crossed many new county lines. On 8 May 2001 I also visited the site 45X100, unsigned and in the middle of an as of then barren field southwest of Gettysburg SD. I like 100W because it was used generally as the definition of the beginning of the west in the 19th century, a general division at the time of the area where rainfall was enough to support crops east of the line, and where irrigation would be necessary west of it.

  5. Daniel Raab Avatar
    Daniel Raab

    Since this has been published, the actual spot is now marked and a short walk from the parking area

    1. Brendan Avatar

      Neat! Thanks for the update.

      I’m not even sure why I’m curious, but alas, here I read.

  6. Bonnie Noonan Avatar
    Bonnie Noonan

    Yes you can now walk to the actual spot
    and get a replica of the marker in Wausau at the tourist office. The only one of 4 such spots and the only one very accessible..

  7. Joel Slaske Avatar
    Joel Slaske

    I’m slightly disappointed that this is not exactly the intersection point of 45 & 90. Nonetheless I guess it’s close enough seeing the exact spot is on private land.

  8. Susan Gyarmati Avatar
    Susan Gyarmati

    You can now walk 1/4 of a mile from the parking lot to the exact spot. The marker is now much larger and the surroundings include benches and a split rail fence. The gravel walkway is an easy trek even for those with mobility issues. It is well worth the stop. I’m still smiling about having been to such a unique place on earth but I’m a cartographer at heart. Check it out on Google Earth first.

  9. Cameron Rogers Avatar

    Now I want to go there. Is there a geocache there? If not, there really should be!

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