Center of the Universe

Colonel William R. Wallace built a pioneering homestead within a narrow valley in the northern Idaho panhandle. However, he probably didn’t realize he’d settled at the Center of the Universe. We can forgive that. In 1884 he couldn’t possibly have know he was sitting atop a billion ounces of silver either, or next to what would become the last link in a great transcontinental road for that matter. Also he wasn’t really a colonel. This was an auspicious start for a quirky little mining town.

Twelve Mile Circle dedicates itself to exploring offbeat geography, and this one may be the oddest yet. Wallace, Idaho declared itself the Center of the Universe and challenged anyone to prove otherwise.

This is the Center of the Universe. Who knew?

Claiming the Coveted Honor

Wallace chose to mark its spot of universal significance with a specially-designed commemorative manhole cover in 2004. Mayor Ron Garitone offered an explanation in an official proclamation (and I quote verbatim):

“Thanks to the newly discovered science of ‘Probalism’ – specifically probalistic modeling, pioneered by the Environmental Protection Agency and the Department of Health and Welfare, and peer-reviewed by La Cosa Nostra and the Flat Earth Society – we were further able to pinpoint the exact center within the Center of the Universe; to wit: a sewer access cover slightly off-center from the intersection of Bank and Sixth Streets.”

Wallace, Idaho - The center of the universe. Photo by 2WheelTravlr; (CC BY-NC-ND 2.0)
Marking the Center of the Universe

Actually It’s a Polite Protest

Mayor Garitone doesn’t need a tinfoil hat. He merely conveyed his town’s frustrations with the Federal government over EPA Superfund cleanup efforts in the Silver Valley. This came in the wake of several decades of mining. The manhole cover served as a visible, permanent expression of free speech and a benevolent act of dissent. His actual reasoning came later in the proclamation,

“The science of Probalism has its roots in the 2002 EPA Coeur d’Alene Basin Record of decision, and as a syllogism expresses itself thusly: if a thing cannot be disproven, it is thereby proven. Thus if the communities of the Silver Valley cannot absolutely prove themselves to the EPA’s satisfaction to be good and healthy places to live, then this is proof that they require the EPA’s continued meddling in their affairs.”

The mayor believed the Federal government saddled Wallace with an impossible burden of proof. He simply extended what the government was doing to Wallace to its logical extreme. Nobody could definitively locate the Center of the Universe. Thus, the Wallace claim must be “true” until proven otherwise.

Positive Attention

Certainly this created a tourism benefit. Well, at least oddball sorts of travelers might go out of their way to see this goofy roadside attraction. For instance, I would stop there if I ever found myself in the area. So this has the dual benefit of letting the town press its case whenever curious visitors ask about it. It’s not a whole lot different than the District of Columbia appending “End Taxation without Representation” to its license plates. There the District highlight its ongoing disenfranchisement from the legislative branch of government.

Stealthy protests have a long history in this country. Thus, what on its surface may appear purely as an offbeat attempt to attract tourist dollars to a remote mining town also serves a permanent act of lighthearted political defiance.

It Seems to Be Working

Tourism is still important though, and perhaps now eclipsing the original purpose. The manhole cover serves at the location of various civic events, wedding ceremonies, photo opportunities and even a Princess of the Center of the Universe Pageant. Funny thing however, the local Chamber of Commerce chooses to ignore the exalted claim. Rather, it focuses instead on Wallace’s distinction as the Silver Capital of the World.

The stunt garnered a fair share of attention. A British comedian and writer named Danny Wallace, noticed the name of the town coincided with his own. That led him to Wallace to investigate this one-of-a-kind manhole cover. His effort resulted in the 2006 publication of “Danny Wallace and the Centre of the Universe.” I’ve not had an opportunity to read the book so I don’t know how he decided to interpreted events. However you can get a flavor from its page on Amazon. One of the comments includes an alternate yet entertaining set of reasons why Wallace should indeed be considered the Center of the Universe.

Not the Center of the Universe? Prove them wrong.


4 responses to “Center of the Universe”

  1. Matthew Avatar

    There is at least one other contender for the title of center of the universe: the district of Fremont, in Seattle. Check out the ninth picture at this site: for more information. Maybe there are multiple centers of the universe?

    1. Twelve Mile Circle Avatar

      We’ve arrived at a real conundrum here, Matthew. I’ve examined the photograph on your site and determined it to be genuine. Applying the theorem outlined by the Mayor of Wallace, ID in his official proclamation, I can only conclude that the Fremont district must also be the Center of the Universe since I can’t disprove it. Given the vastness of space, Earth’s exalted position within it, and the close proximity of the two contenders, perhaps they both fall within the margin of error of instruments used to calculate the center. Yes, that’s how I’ll rationalize it: the true center is "somewhere" in the Pacific Northwest!

  2. Dave Avatar

    But not necessarily the center of the world…

  3. David Avatar

    Presumably the center of the universe would need to be a fixed point that everything else orbits. The Earth orbits the sun, and if you go all the way up to the Milky Way Galaxy, it and the Andromeda Galaxy mutually orbit a point between the two. That would seem to disprove that any “center of the universe” exists on Earth. I suppose the geographic center of the universe isn’t necessarily the same thing as its center of mass, but still, if every point in our galaxy is constantly moving, none of those points could be at the center for more than a momentary coincidence at best. Perhaps I’m being too literal here? The mayor did say his claim could not be scientifically disproven, so it seems reasonable to take it literally rather than metaphorically, since science isn’t in the business of verifying the truth of metaphors.

    As for I-90, I drove that section through Wallace in 2014 on my way to Yellowstone after visiting friends in the beautiful city of Coeur d’Alene. I thought the elevated viaduct above the city’s downtown was a bit unusual, but didn’t realize what a geo-oddity it was until after the fact, or else I would have stopped to check it out.

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