Jeff Davis

I received an interesting query from loyal reader “Katy” via the 12MC Google+(1) account the other day. She wanted to find towns named after people that included the namesakes’ first and last names.(2) Several possibilities came to mind and one name in particular, Jefferson Davis, kept recurring.

President Jefferson Davis. Photo by Mathew Brady; Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

Jefferson Davis — which I’ll mention primarily for the international audience less familiar with United States history — was the first and only President of the Confederate States of America (1861-1865). His name still invokes a wide spectrum of reactions based upon specific points of view about the Civil War, the Confederacy, Reconstruction and the evolution of the New South. I won’t wade into that topic except to note that different parts of my family fell onto both sides of that conflict so I’m abundantly aware of the range of considerations. I’ll take the cowardly exit and focus solely on the use of Jefferson Davis as a geographic identifier.

The largest territorial expressions of Jeff or Jefferson Davis occur at the U.S. county level: Jeff Davis Counties in Texas and Georgia; Jefferson Davis Parish in Louisiana; and Jefferson Davis County in Mississippi. Additionally there is a Jeff Davis Township that is a part of Little River County, Arkansas.

Their formations tended to cluster chronologically at either side of the flip between the 19th and 20th Centuries. That period fell far enough from the Civil War to avoid treason while close enough to form part of the emotional fabric of people directly involved.

Jeff Davis County, Texas

Texas was part of the Confederacy, however it seemed odd to find a county named for Davis so far out along the western edge of this immense state. It actually hearkens back to an earlier history, though.

The direct association between Jefferson Davis and the Civil War is so strong that his earlier life often goes unnoticed. Davis graduated from the prestigious U.S. military academy at West Point, fought as a Colonel in the Mexican-American War, served in the US Congress, and completed a term as Secretary of War during the Franklin Pierce administration (1853-1857). The county in Texas drew indirectly from Davis’ term as Secretary of War.

Those Early Roots

The Mescalero Apache sometimes attacked travelers along the San Antonio- El Paso Road. They simply wished to defend their homeland. Nonetheless the government established Fort Davis in west Texas in 1854 to halt the attacks. They named it for the Secretary at that time, Jeff Davis. That was nothing unusual. Nobody could predict how his role would change.

Confederate forces captured Fort Davis without firing a shot in 1861. That served as an important symbolic victory albeit the Union Army wasn’t much of a concern in this remote corner. The Handbook of Texas, published by the Texas State Historical Association noted that it didn’t reduce any threats either. It described the Mescalero Apache as “unimpressed” by the change of leadership at the fort. Confederate forces abandoned their position a year later after ongoing harassment and ambushes led by the Apache.

Jeff Davis, Texas is notable for a couple of other reasons

South Star Trails, McDonald Observatory. Photo by Kelly DeLay; (CC BY-NC 2.0)
McDonald Observatory
  • It shares a border with Mexico at a single point; a nearly impossible capture for county counters who adhere to the every border variation.
  • It’s home to the Davis Mountains which the handbook of Texas called the “highest mountain range located entirely within the state of Texas,” and also named for Jeff Davis. Scientists built McDonald Observatory in the dark skies of the Mount Locke summit at 6,791 feet (2,070 metres). The”highest state maintained road in Texas” leads up to it.

Texas formally established Jeff Davis County in 1887. One could argue whether the name truly referenced the antebellum Jeff Davis or reflected lingering Confederacy nostalgia. Nonetheless it’s undeniable that a prior connection existed.

Jeff Davis County, Georgia

I wish every state had its own version of the Handbook of Texas. It would make research a lot easier. My problem with Texas was culling and summarizing (a nice problem to have); with Jeff Davis, Georgia I had a deficit of information. What little I found confirmed that Georgia named the county for the former Confederate president in 1905.

Jeff Davis Co. was an outgrowth of Appling and Coffee Counties. They needed to create it because of the growth of Hazlehurst, which became the seat of government for the new county. Hazlehurst started as a rail town during the Reconstruction era and grew from there. The town’s history page noted: “Georgia’s 142nd county would have been named Cromartie County if not for a custom to name counties only after deceased citizens.” John Cromartie was Appling County’s state legislative representative, and very much alive at the time. On the other hand, Davis passed away in 1889.

Jefferson Davis Parish, Louisiana

Jefferson Davis Parish in Louisiana came into being within the same basic time period, 1912. Louisiana created it along with four other parishes when it carved up “Imperial” Calcasieu Parish, a behemoth of more than 3,600 square miles. I couldn’t find much more information about the circumstances of its naming. However, I will note that a couple of completely unrelated bits of trivia fascinated me:

  • This is part of Acadiana – “Cajun Country” – so it’s interesting to see a departure from French culture to a Confederacy theme.
  • Jennings, a town in Jefferson Davis Parish, became the birthplace of Louisiana’s oil and gas industry based upon the first oil well placed on the Mamou Prairie near Evangeline in 1901. “To date, over 220,000 wells have been drilled in Louisiana“. Here’s a slightly less known fact: that first well, the Heywood #1 Jules Clement Well, was actually over the border in neighboring Acadia Parish (map). Just sayin’.

Jefferson Davis County, Mississippi

Jefferson Davis represented Mississippi both as a member of the House of Representatives and as a United States Senator. Thus, it should surprise nobody that Mississippi created a Jefferson Davis County in 1906. The African American population of said county was 57.38% in the 2000 Census, though. I’m a little puzzled that local residents haven’t changed the name.

Beyond the borders of Jefferson Davis County and farther south along Mississippi’s Gulf coast in Biloxi stands Beauvoir, the home where Jefferson Davis spent his final years. It is also the site of the Jefferson Davis Presidential Library. Hurricane Katrina damaged both properties in August 2005. The library planned its grand re-opening for June 2013 after extensive renovation.

I don’t have the ability to discuss all 115 geographic features named either Jeff Davis or Jefferson Davis in the US Geological Survey database, although they include mountains, valleys, streams, reservoirs, buildings and schools. A surprising number of them are located outside of the traditional Southern states, too.

12MC Loves Footnotes!

(1)12MC is pretty active on Google+ and Twitter; consider joining up if you enjoy Twelve Mile Circle. Those outlets allow me to share items that don’t make it onto the pages here. Links are available at the top of the page and in the column to the right.
(2)Katy offered Maxbass, ND and Carol Stream, IL. I’m still exploring possibilities and will likely feature this in a future article. Feel free to add other examples in the comments and you may find yourself mentioned on 12MC!


11 responses to “Jeff Davis”

  1. TB Avatar

    Albert Lea, Minn.
    Gene Autry, Okla.
    John Day, Ore.

    And not quite the same, but King of Prussia, Penn., has always stuck out to me.

  2. Ross Finlayson Avatar
    Ross Finlayson

    One example of a U.S. town named after a person – with both their first and last name – is “John Day, Oregon”:,_Oregon

    Also, of course, there are a few towns named after famous Native Americans who had just a single name (so, technically, their ‘first and last name’) – e.g., “Geronimo” and “Matoaka”.

  3. Bill Cary Avatar

    As long as we’re discussing Jefferson Davis, lets not forget teh Jefferson Davis Monument in Fairview, Kentucky east of and near Hopkinsville:

    As a boy I went to this monument several times with the family, school outings, and the Boy Scouts. We always played on the steps as they were bordered by smooth stone slides just perfect for children’s sense of adventure. If you weren’t wearing tennis shoes you could slides down them standing up. Sure, the adults always talked about history, how Jefferson Davis was from the area, and the role Kentucky played in the Civil War. The trouble is children cared for none of that, we just wanted to play. After “learning” about the history of the site, we invariably had to gulp down a picnic lunch under under of the trees before returning to the monument’s gift to children, the slides.

    Similar to the Washington Monument, the view is less spectacular, overseeing corn fields, hills, and narrow roads. Still, if you wish to see unspoiled countryside similar to what Jefferson Davis knew as a boy, this is for you.

    I haven’t been back as an adult but I’ll bet those steps aren’t as much fun these days. Not to mention that they’ve probably added speed bumps to the “slides” to curtail the noise from all the glee. This is a somber monument, you know.

  4. Pfly Avatar

    I was going to mention John Day, but others beat me to it, so I’ll content myself with Ho Chi Minh City. You never said “US only”, after all.

    1. Twelve Mile Circle Avatar

      Agreed — international examples are perfectly fine.

      We’ve had plenty of John Day on 12MC. I think we can call him good. 🙂

  5. Mike Lowe Avatar

    I highly recommend a trip to Fort Davis and the McDonald Observatory. I’ve made a few trips all the way from Houston. The dark skies are even better than the Texas Hill Country. The road to the observatory and the peaks themselves are fun in a sports car too.

    If you visit Fort Davis, you might as well mix in the Big Bend, Marfa, and Alpine. The area is also about the only way to see 8000′ peaks in Texas. I know, I know, foothills to Colorado folks.

  6. Gary Avatar

    While I have never been there, Chevy Chase, Maryland comes to mind. Unlike other places mentioned, the name of the town has nothing to do with the famous person with the same name. I got this straight from wikipedia:

    The name “Chevy Chase” was taken from one of the absorbed plots of land. Its name in turn, according to the Village of Chevy Chase’s official history, can be traced to the larger tract of land called “Cheivy Chace” that was patented to Colonel Joseph Belt from Lord Baltimore on July 10, 1725. It has historic associations to a 1388 battle between Lord Percy of England and Earl Douglas of Scotland. At issue in this “chevauchée” (a French word describing a border raid) were hunting grounds or a “chace” in the Cheviot Hills of Northumberland and Otterburn.

  7. January First-of-May Avatar
    January First-of-May

    Another non-US example: Ivano-Frankovsk, Ukraine.
    I’m actually going to be somewhere around that place (well, in the same-named district anyway) in a few weeks (late April to very early May); to be exact, it’s supposed to be a hike in the Carpathian mountains. It’s probably fairly likely that the eventual article would come out right as I’m still on that hike 🙂

  8. Frank Luebbe Avatar
    Frank Luebbe

    How about JimThorpe PA. A little slice of Switzeerland right in the heart of the Pocono Mountains. Deserves a little write-up on it’s history: from Mauch Chunk PA, to JimThorpe PA, and now a move to go back to Mauch Chunk. We try and visit there a couple times a year.

  9. Dave Avatar

    There are also counties in Texas named Jim Hogg, Jim Wells, Tom Green, and Deaf Smith (the man’s nickname).

  10. Joe Avatar

    I know this is one you’ve written about before, but “John” Square in the City of “Quincy” in “Adams” County evokes 3 separate geographical features to put together a great examples of a namesake.

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