I used my unexpected day off from work yesterday — courtesy of the weekend snowstorm — to focus on a webpage I’ve wanted to construct for awhile. It serves as a portal to various pages that outline historic military fortresses that I’ve encountered and recorded during my travels. Yes, along with lighthouses, waterfalls, breweries, ferries, and counties, I’m also a relentless collector of fortifications. I have this compulsion to count things of a similar nature and then gather them into sets.
The current result can be found in Forts, Fortresses and Fortifications. First, I created a basic xml file. It holds latitude/longitude coordinates, image tags and page links. Those will pop up when a user clicks a marker on the underlying Google map. I still need to add a few more forts once I have an opportunity to identify and scan a bunch of pre-digital hardcopy photos I’ve stored in a shoebox.
Then I also have to decide whether I’ll include forts I’ve visited outside of the United States. Dunadd in Scotland would be a likely candidate. I also have Burg Katz in Germany on the website but is that more castle or fortress? Hmmm… adding castles would create a whole new and interesting dimension to the collection. Decisions, decisions.
The name I chose seemed a bit redundant but I liked the way it sounded. Plus, it should help the search engines catalog the subject matter. It’s still a prototype so I can always modify that later along with anything else on the page. We’ll see.

Any design or content recommendations would be appreciated at my email address. I don’t have a lot of web design skills so I won’t be able to do anything fancy. In fact, I’ve pretty well hit the outer limits of my technical abilities. Even so, I’ll see what I can do with any suggestions.
Relief is on the way if you’ve grown tired of my off-topic ramblings over the last several days. I promise to return to geography-related stories going forward and I already have the next round of articles mapped out.
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