That’s how I’ve been rationalizing it, anyway. Santa brought the kids a wii for Christmas this year. Normally I’m not a videogamer, far from it as a matter of fact. However, we got one little game that is quite addictive for a geo-geek like myself. They call it “Island Flyover” and it comes bundled with the wii Sports Resort disk.

It’s really basic which is probably why I’ve enjoyed it. The only point of the activity as far as I can tell is to fly all around the island and find as many attractions as possible. There’s no violence or competition or unnerving situations, just flying around. I’ve been flying through every bit of odd topography in the game. Those include sandy beaches, along cliffsides, buzzing the treetops, through lava tubes and into the caldera of an active volcano.
I’ve spent way too much time with this after the kids have gone to bed. So much for the projects I had lined up for my web pages over the holidays. Fortunately I can tell I’m already growing tired of it. So I’ll probably end up putting the game controller away for another couple of decades momentarily.
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