Because I Can

I’m sure the novelty will wear-off before too long, but this is the first time I’ve ever flown on a WiFi-enabled airline flight. We’re presently in the vicinity of Cleveland, Ohio, at 38,000 feet on the first leg of our journey to Anchorage, Alaska.

Blogging from an Airplane

This is me and one of my little geo-oddity aficionados saying “hello” from the interior of an Alaska Airlines 737-800. Somehow I managed to pull him away from his Nintendo DS long enough to snap a decent photo. They’ve just installed WiFi for their flights within the Lower 48 and it’s free through the end of July. Sweet.

I’m so easily amused.



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2 responses to “Because I Can”

  1. Greg Avatar

    Did you get a view of southernmost Canada while you were in the area? Or anything interesting, for that matter?

    1. Twelve Mile Circle Avatar

      @Greg: I got plenty of views of westernmost Canada on the leg up to Anchorage, but nothing on the southern border — my seatmates kept the window shades closed.

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