Birch Syrup Geography

I wandered into a shop in Talkeetna, a town of a few hundred souls in the interior of south central Alaskan (map). There I discovered an assortment of small plastic jugs with a strange and rare substance offered for sale: birch syrup. I’d never heard of this particular agricultural product before. Sure, I’ve consumed more than my share of maple syrup over the years. However, I’d lived my entire life without running across birch syrup. Is it genuine? Does it actually come from a birch tree? And why does it command such an eye-popping price?

Talkeetna, Alaska. Photo by; (CC BY-NC-SA 2.0)
Talkeetna, Alaska

The phenomenon is real. Birch, like Maple, produces a sugary sap. Therefore producers can reduce it into a syrup through the removal of nearly all of its water content. They usually use a combination of reverse osmosis and evaporation through boiling.


Talkeetna sits at the northern edge of the Matanuska-Susitna Valley. Apparently this is the epicenter of the commercial production of birch syrup. However, the entire worldwide yield equals maybe only 1,000 – 1,500 gallons (~5,000 liters) per year! The vast majority of this comes from the hands of hardworking farmers and homesteaders in the Mat-Su.

Betula neoalaskana range map. Image by User:Fungus Guy, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons
Potential Birch Syrup Range

The Alaska Birch, a variety of Paper Birch, is the source for most of the sap for commercially-produced syrup. It ranges widely from the Boreal forests of central Alaska into Canada’s Yukon, Northwest Territories, and down into the Prairie Provinces. Theoretically, sap harvesting could take place in all of these places. Even so it hasn’t caught-on in any meaningful way except in Alaska.


Maple Tree Tapped. Photo by; (CC BY-NC-SA 2.0)
This is a maple tree but harvesters tap birch trees similarly

There are valid reasons for the scarcity of birch syrup. They all combine to support a common theme: it’s darn difficult to produce.

  • A single gallon of birch syrup requires the evaporation of about a hundred gallons of raw birch sap. Contrast that with maple syrup which requires about forty gallons for the same result.
  • The tapping window for birch, the period when sap flows freely through the trunks, is much shorter than maple. Harvesters, or sap-suckers, have only two or three weeks to get the job done.
  • The root and trunk pressure in birch trees is lower than maple too. That makes it even more difficult to extract the sap.

A friend of my wife’s family in south-central Wisconsin makes his own maple syrup on a scale larger than a hobby but smaller than a business. That’s where I took the photograph of the tapped tree, above. I’ve seen first-hand how the operation works and it’s an amazingly labor intensive endeavor. I can’t imagine how much effort it would take for someone to produce any meaningful amount of the even more difficult birch syrup.

A birch tree will only produce about 0.75 gallons of sap per day, for maybe 20 days. Lets do some quick math. A tree will produce perhaps 15 gallons of sap a year. Thus it takes nearly seven mature trees to create enough sap for a single gallon of syrup under ideal conditions!

Is there any wonder that a quart of the stuff sells for $74 and a 4 ounce bottle for $11? Granted, 2010 was a low sugar year. Nonetheless, I’d still feel guilty about pouring something that valuable onto a waffle or a pancake. It’s liquid gold.

Another Possibility

Incidentally harvesters could use other varieties of paper birch trees for similar purposes. Some of those grow natively in the New England region of the United States. However, the online magazine, Heart of New England, speculates that no incentive exists. Sugar maples grow there ubiquitously and it requires much less time and effort than birch. In Alaska, on the other hand, they only have birch. It’s birch or nothing.

I didn’t purchase any birch syrup on my trip through Talkeetna. If I were to repeat my trip — knowing what I’ve since learned — I’d at least get one of the small bottles. It’s supposed to offer a unique flavor that’s quite a bit different than maple. Additionally, I’ll gladly give it a review if anyone in the birch syrup community stumbles across this blog and wants to send me a sample.

Right. Nobody ever takes me up on these offers.






4 responses to “Birch Syrup Geography”

  1. Benjamin Lukoff Avatar

    I was *just* reading about this last night, believe it or not.

    Birch syrup is popular among the Russians, too (makes sense given their high latitudes). I’ve seen jugs of this stuff at our local Russian grocery.

    Here’s a page I found — probably not the best one out there, but at least there are good pictures.

    1. Twelve Mile Circle Avatar

      It’s the tiny coincidences like these that I find so thoroughly enjoyable. I went to the page you cited — What?!? Is that a homemade tap made from the neck of a broken-off vodka bottle tied on with bailing twine? That’s awesome! … in an admittedly stereotypical, politically-incorrect sense.

  2. Origuy Avatar

    And I thought the only things that came out of Wasilla were meth and the Palins!

  3. Adam Veley Avatar
    Adam Veley

    Good article, but you missed central British Columbia on your map. Sweet Tree Ventures in Quesnel produces excellent birch syrup & birch barbeque sauce!

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