Category: U.S. Counties
Mob Rule
One dictionary defines mob rule as a government by violent gangs, or by the masses. Another provides a wonderful synonym, Ochlocracy, a middle French word derived from the ancient Greek; which various other sources define as power from the multitude or crowd. Either way it seems a strangely deviant name for a website devoted to…
Adjacent Counties, Same Name, Different States
We’ve had a lively interactive discussion within the comments section of the recent article, “For Aficionados of Counties.” This doesn’t surprise me. Many of our regular readers are indeed aficionados of counties. In fact I seem to have cornered a great deal of the market on geo-oddities at this tertiary level of US government, not…
For Aficionados of Counties
I know there are several regular readers of Twelve Mile Circle who are fascinated with the county level of government in the United States. Some of you are county counters, others of you are county highpointers, and still others might be county radio hunters. All of you are aficionados of this phenomenon of one sort…
Google Earth Now In Google Maps
I began working on a new article this evening and opened up Google Maps as I frequently do, seeing if I could illustrate the post with a few imbedded images. Imagine my surprise when I saw the “Earth” button among the menu options. I quickly switched over to the Google LatLong blog and confirmed what…
A Single Point on the Border
I encountered a number of interesting situations as I pulled together my recent series of borderlocking articles. One of those revelations pertained to Jeff Davis County(1) in the State of Texas. Examine its layout closely. Clearly it borders on Mexico. However that happens only at a single point along the Rio Grande River at its…
Deep South Epilogue
I made it back from my brief journey to the Deep South last night. We covered about 2,500 miles in ten days, seeing the sites and visiting with family. Things went about as well as one could hope. I’ll consider doing this again in the future although it definitely pushed the limit of what I’d…
Seventeen Steps from Middle
I left some unfinished business behind a few weeks ago with the Layers of Borderlocking article and it has continued to gnaw at me. As you may recall, I figured that someone standing within the boundaries of the United States would never have to travel through more than seventeen counties (eighteen if one counts the…
St. Patrick’s Day in My Wacky World
I love my eccentric little neighborhood. It’s a perfect place for someone with unusual interests like me. I’ve discussed its oddities, peculiarities, history and geography on a number of occasions although they probably mean more to me than to you. I write Twelve Mile Circle as much to amuse myself as to appeal to an…
Layers of Borderlocking
Is Borderlock (-ed) (-ing) even a word? I don’t think so. “Landlocked” is a perfectly fine word but it doesn’t quite cover the situation I’m attempting to describe. I noticed a query that arrived recently on Twelve Mile Circle from a user of a well-known search engine. It piqued my curiosity. I’ve started many an…
Let’s Get County Lines Drawn on Google Street View
[UPDATE: Google Maps finally added county lines in January 2012]. Loyal reader “Greg” wonders, “why Google [Maps] doesn’t show county boundaries?” Google Maps and its ongoing lack of county borders is a continuing frustration to me, but I suspect it doesn’t exist for the same reason as the not-quite-perfect international borders: except for a few…