Category: U.S. Counties

  • Bibb-Monroe Revisited

    The recent changes Google made to embedded scripts for Street View is rather annoying. However, it did produce a couple of positive results. So, remember when I mentioned those newly-available images previously? They let me take a step back and wax nostalgic on some of my older articles. They’re history now but they were current…

  • Nation, State or County?

    The sovereignty of Native American nations in the United States presents a complicated set of issues, wrapped in various viewpoints and interwoven with the past, present and future. However, this entry doesn’t discuss the historical or political situation, it points to current geography. Please excuse me as I sidestep the sensitivities while focusing on boundaries…

  • What counts as a visit?

    Every once in awhile this geo-oddity hobby of our gets some positive attention. The County Counting blog — one I follow regularly and include on my blogrole in the left column of this website — has a copy of a Boston Globe article that appeared recently. The article is called: “For those who keep a…

  • Texas: Is Everything Really Bigger?

    I’ve been to Texas many times. I have family there, I have business there, and I’ve driven across its width. I don’t underestimate its gargantuan size. There’s a reason why “Everything is Bigger in Texas” has become such an iconic boast that borders on cliché. If Texas were still a country as it was when…

  • Big Tom the Turkey

    What do you do when you’re only the second largest city in Becker County, Minnesota? You focus on your strengths of course. So what object might properly honor a robust rural heritage, provide an iconic emblem of efficient poultry production and attract connoisseurs and aficionados of roadside kitsch from around the globe? The natural choice…

  • Restaurant Split by 3 Counties

    NOTE: IN 2015 I VISITED FAMOUS LOUISE’S IN PERSON! A restaurant sitting atop the intersection of three different counties? If I were ever to ever become a restaurateur, that would be the place that I’d have to own. Loyal reader Glenn from Kill Devil Hills, North Carolina(1), has been following the Twelve Mile Circle for…

  • Rambling Along the Taylor-Rose Segment

    I derive inspiration from odd places. Recently I stumbled across a simple notation on a chart, no more than a throwaway comment really, and it fascinated me. I noticed a brief history of Highway 183 on the US Highways website,(1) “Since 1930; original route North Platte, NE – Dresden, KS, extended north to Vivian, SD…

  • Independent Cities (the Water Tower Tour)

    An independent city in the United States is a rare form of government. In broad general terms, the county is the tertiary or local level of government.(1) An independent city belongs to no county and derives its authority directly from the State. This is true even if it happens to be surrounded entirely by a…

  • More County Counters

    The comedian Groucho Marx reputedly stated, “I don’t care to belong to any club that will have me as a member.” I must profess more than a passing sympathy with that point of view. I’ve never been much of a joiner, and I prefer to follow solo pursuits. This very blog is an example. I…

  • 1,000!

    Why is this man standing here foolishly next to an otherwise nondescript road sign, waist-high in weeds by a railroad track? What is so special about Crawford County, Wisconsin? Well, nothing much, although I’m sure its residents would say otherwise. Actually this was a very special location for me. It represented the 1,000th county in…