Category: U.S. Counties

  • Smallest County in the USA, Part 3

    Previous posts discussed several reasons why the three smallest counties in the United States do not function autonomously. Thus, they should not be considered counties except in name only. Independent Cities The focus of the current post is another unusual arrangement, the situation of independent cities. They function identically to most counties but in fact…

  • Smallest County in the USA, Part 2

    The previous article discussed why Kalawao County, Hawaii may not really be the smallest county in the United States. Essentially, it’s not actually a county except in name only. So let’s examine the next smallest counties by area, New York County in New York and Bristol in Rhode Island. As it turns out, they are…

  • Smallest County in the USA, Part 1

    What is the smallest county in the United States? It’s such a simple question but there are many ways to approach it. It really depends. Would it be the smallest parcel of land that actually carries the title “county?” Does it require a distinct, functional government with specific attributes? What about independent cities that provide…

  • The Atlas of Historical County Boundaries

    The Atlas of Historical County Boundaries is an ongoing project undertaken by the Newberry Library in Chicago. When fully completed, the effort will result in the presentation of all United States county boundary changes. These stretch from their creation during colonial times all the way through the 21st Century. The Newberry Library explains why it…

  • Sawtooth and Knob Borders of Carroll County, NH

    County borders tend to be fairly intuitive. Often they include the irregular lines of natural phenomena such as waterfronts, riverbanks or ridges. Other times they feature straight lines drawn by surveyors. Or a combination of both. However, some counties end up with all kinds of strange bumps, knobs, or sawtooth patterns. These can derive particularly…

  • The Free State of Winston

    It’s not possible to be more truly Southern culturally than the residents of the state of Alabama. That’s why it’s surprising to realize that one Alabama county did not support secession. Its residents refused to join the Confederacy willingly. Winston County is located in a hilly area in the northwestern part of the state. As…

  • County Highpointers Association

    Twelve Mile Circle features another extremely specialized geography website today, this one hosted by the County Highpointers Association. It’s easy to find information on the highest point in a country or even one of the individual United States. This information is scattered across the Web in a million different places. But that’s not the case…

  • Lake Okeechobee’s Five Counties

    Lake Okeechobee (map) dominates South Florida’s landscape. It’s a massive liquid patch along a narrow peninsula. It’s as if some giant creature found the lower portion of the state a convenient coaster for the world’s largest mug. Additionally it is the second largest freshwater lake contained wholly within the United States. Only one of the…

  • Fewest County Borders – Part III: Red Lake Co., MN

    We’ve established that a county in the United States can have zero borders if it is an island and one border if it is a peninsula. However, there are no fully landlocked counties with just a single border. But what about landlocked counties that have two borders? Surprisingly there seems to be only one lone…

  • Fewest County Borders – Part II: Peninsulas (Door Co., WI)

    Only islands have the potential for zero county borders. However, what if we extend the search from zero borders to one border? The United States contains no fully-landlocked counties with a single border. Independent Cities Don’t Count Several independent cities in the Commonwealth of Virginia do meet this definition though. Examples include Fairfax City surrounded…