Condominium (not that kind)

A condominium is a concept in international law that describes a geographic area shared in equal sovereignty by two nations. As a practical matter, it creates a genuinely unusual and often impractical solution. A condominium isn’t distinctly part of any one nation but by agreement it’s within the control of both. So it has no standing on its own and has no independent sovereignty.

This type of situation does not generally last for long since it depends upon a shared arrangement between independent sovereign states. Eventually the arrangement collapses as one or the other tires of it.

Here are some condominiums that exist in the modern world, courtesy of Wikipedia’s condominium page.

Mosel River Condominium

Mosel River Condominium.

Generally a river border belongs to one country or the other. They will split it along the thalweg or use some other method. That is not the case with the Mosel River that runs between Luxembourg and Germany. They both control it jointly in a condominium arrangement.

Notice the circle drawn on the topographic map where France abuts the condominium. The French border runs down the middle, but follow it north and notice that the borders of Luxembourg and German BOTH hug their respective banks! The point on the little river island where France and the condominium intersect is the “DEFRLU Tripoint.” I’m not sure if it’s really a tripoint that’s actually a line running along the southern edge of the condominium, or not really a tripoint at all. Either way, it’s very odd.

Pheasant Island

There is a second condominium in Europe, a small island on the River Bidasoa between France and Spain: Pheasant Island. Each country maintains control for six months of the year and then turns control over to the other. Historically, this was the site of the 1659 Treaty of the Pyrenees which ended the 30 Years’ War between the two countries. So it’s not simply some obscure plot of land in the middle of a river.

On the Arabian Peninsula

The final condominium involves a small tip of land on the Arabian Peninsula shared between Oman and the emirate of Ajman (part of the United Arab Emirates). Drill down on this satellite map and you’ll notice what appears to be a small town. This must make for an interesting situation for the inhabitants. Are they citizens of Oman or the UAE? Both? Neither? Are they citizens of anywhere?

One more area that is often considered a condominium is not: Andorra. This nation is often lumped into the condominium category but it’s actually a co-principality and a sovereign state.


2 responses to “Condominium (not that kind)”

  1. Jeff Rundell Avatar
    Jeff Rundell

    From 1906 to 1980 what is now Vanuatu was the British/French condominium of The New Hebrides.
    Famous for Tales of the South Pacific, John Frum and the Cargo Cults and the first bungee jumpers, using vines!

  2. Len Nadybal Avatar

    About the DE-LU River Condo, you wrote: “The point on the little river island where France and the condominium intersect is often described as the “DEFRLU Tripoint.” I’m not sure if it’s really a tripoint that’s actually a line running along the southern edge of the condominium, or not really a tripoint at all”.

    The E – W line is actually two lines because the German border goes E-W from Germany in the east to the west bank of the river, and the Luxembourg border across the river goes W-E to the eastern bank. In other words, the one line is actually two coun tries’ lines overlapping. TGhe Condo is unusual, because it is in two parts – in other words an entity made of a pair of enclaves or exclaves – I wonder which. The cause the “capital” of the condo is in Germany at the HQ of joint DE-LU company that manages the condo (‘operates” the river (administers its existence for the two sovereigns).

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