
Have you ever posted something with a little trepidation? Perhaps feeling there’s a likelihood that you’re going to screw it up? I’m just going to start this off right away by providing an upfront apology to anyone of the Jewish faith. I’ll do my best to focus on geography. Hopefully a knowledgeable readership will assist me with the finer points of religious reasoning and logic behind the phenomenon. Please be gentle with your comments. I’ll try very hard to avoid offending anyone.

The Great Los Angeles Walk 2014. Photo by waltarrrrr; (CC BY-NC-ND 2.0)
An Eruv wire in Los Angeles, California

The concept of the eruv chatzerot absolutely fascinates me. Often one will see this term shortened simply to eruv or to its plural form, eruvin. Same thing.


The Torah prohibits a number of activities on Shabbat, the Jewish Sabbath. This includes the carrying of objects from one domain to another, say from a home into a public space or across some other property line. Not all Jews follow this prohibition but many do. For them, imagine they practical limitations when they are unable to carry anything through their doorway except for the clothing on their back.

These provisions survived through millennia, passing from generation to generation. They hold significant religious meaning for countless observant Jews. Obviously these prohibitions will never change even as the rest of the world moves on. Fortunately for adherents, rabbinical interpretations provide a degree of flexibility.

The Loophole

On Shabbat, people can carry their belongings within the home. However, they cannot transport those same belongings to the outside world. But what is home?

This is where the Eruv begins to address the situation. By interpretation, a collective “home” exists with the consent of all property owners. Therefore, many individual homes could form a much larger collective home. For instance, in classic times, the perimeter of several adjoining private residents might form a walled courtyard. A rabbi could join them together ceremonially to form an Eruv Chatzerot (an “aggregation of courtyards”). Everyone within the Eruv could then transport objects freely within its boundaries. This still respects the Torah since the entire area qualifies as “home.”

Modern Adaptation

By definition, an eruv consists of an enclosure of walls and door frames of certain dimensions. Perhaps there are some campus environments that exist within walled compounds in the modern age but walled cities are generally a relic of the past. Yet there are plenty of Eruvin that cover large metropolitan areas. So how do they do it? By forming lots and lots of door frames.

Religious experts create conceptual doorways with wires and posts, often utility poles. A “door frame” might consist of wires running down adjacent utility poles with a wire strung between them. It forms a door frame in a symbolic sense. Nonetheless, by interpretation, it creates an acceptable solution. This method can gather impressively large urban and suburban areas within a single eruv. It doesn’t matter that it creates a rather porous walled courtyard. It still meets the religious definition of an eruv.


Theoretical considerations don’t limit the size of an eruv but practical limitations make it difficult to maintain after a certain point. Someone has to inspect the eruv thoroughly each week before sundown Friday to ensure the integrity of the enclosure. One small break found anywhere along the perimeter invalidates the entire eruv. It might take only a good thunderstorm or a clueless utility worker to create a fatal breach. Repairs must happen before Friday at sundown or the eruv will not exist on Shabbat.

Various websites track the status of eruvin so that people can tell whether they are in effect or whether they are down. Also consider that different rabbis interpret the technical characteristics differently. Thus, an eruv maybe valid to some but invalid to others. So it’s complicated.


Each of the maps on the page is an eruv. I have not created any of these maps. Rather, I’ve linked to actual eruv maps constructed for purpose of keeping people informed of the boundaries. I could find only interactive maps of eruvin in the United States probably because I searched in English. However, practically every Jewish community in Israel has one and they should be easy to find if you know Hebrew, which I do not.

Eruven exist in many other places around the world. I even found one in Northwest London. It’s a static map. Even so, it clearly defines the boundaries that need to be respected.

I’m sure I made some errors due or oversimplification and lack of expertise but I do hope I got the majority of intent correct. I’ve known of eruvin conceptually for a long time but I didn’t realize these “walled courtyards” existed in so many places that I’ve traveled through, hiding in plain site. I can’t wait to look for some of the door frames.



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One response to “Eruvin”

  1. Ben Schachter Avatar

    For other interpretations see my paintings.


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