In the 4th of July Spirit

Independence Hall; Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA. Photo by; (CC BY-NC-SA 2.0)

With the 4th of July holiday upon us, I thought it would be good to start this post with an image of Independence Hall (map). Here, the Founding Fathers created the Declaration of Independence so many years ago. That document had a profound and abundant impact on the foundation of the United States, a fact well established. However it also carried through to its geography. People understanding the sacrifices necessary create, defend and protect the nation expressed their pride and appreciation throughout the landscape.

Spreading Across a Nation

  • Independence. Towns by this name arose in Missouri, Kansas, Iowa, California, Kentucky, Ohio, Oregon, Louisiana, Virginia, and Wisconsin
  • Freedom. Let Freedom ring in towns bearing this name in Pennsylvania, Oklahoma, New Hampshire, Maine, New York, Indiana, Idaho, California, Wyoming, and Missouri.
  • Liberty. Plenty of liberty exists in Missouri, Texas, South Carolina, Kentucky, Indiana, North Carolina, Mississippi, New York, Illinois, and Tennessee
  • Patriot. One can be particularly patriotic in places named this way in Ohio and Indiana.
  • Fourth of July. The USGS Geographic Names Information System lists 104 different features (streams, lakes, mountains, etc.) named “Fourth of July!”
  • Sparks. OK, this one stretched it. I couldn’t find any towns named Fireworks or Sparkler. However, Sparks exist in Nevada, Georgia, Nebraska and Oklahoma.

Perhaps the Best

Notwithstanding, only one can be best. Thus a special mention goes to Missouri where Independence and Liberty reside in close proximity to each other. Independence is also well-known as the hometown of President Harry S. Truman (yes, I’m familiar with the controversy about his middle initial and the consensus is that there should indeed be a dot after the S). A visit to the Harry S. Truman Library and Museum is indeed worthwhile.

Enjoy the day off but somewhere between the parades, the hot dogs and the day at the beach, let’s take a moment to remember and appreciate why this is a holiday.


3 responses to “In the 4th of July Spirit”

  1. FS Avatar

    PA also has a New Freedom.

  2. Lincoln Ho Avatar

    Don’t forget people also come to the Americas (I am Canadian) to Opportunity, WA

  3. Rob Dougherty Avatar
    Rob Dougherty

    Colorado has an Independence Pass and a Yankee Boy Basin.

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