LA With a Toddler

Los Angeles, California (June 2004)

Santa Monica Pier - Pacific Ocean
Santa Monica Pier at the Pacific Shoreline

Our little guy first touched the Pacific Ocean near the Santa Monica Pier (map). Dad got to carry him right next to the water and then run back when the waves came. Nobody else was around on this quiet morning with perfect weather. All was fine with the world.

Third Street Promenade

Santa Monica
Third Street Promenade

The Third Street Promenade in Santa Monica is a walkable, outdoor shopping mall (map). Our tyke loved the dinosaur-shaped topiary that spewed water from its mouth. It was a great spot for people-watching too. People in LA really are a little different — and I mean that in a complimentary way.

La Brea Tar Pits

La Brea Tar Pits
La Brea Tar Pits

The world-famous La Brea Tar Pits sit right in the middle of Los Angeles (map). We visited there with some friends who lived in the Los Angeles area. It’s difficult to believe the tar pits exist within a densely-populated urban environment. The bones in the museum frightened our little guy but for some reason the life-size replica of a giant sloth didn’t bother him in the least. Neither did the replica of a mastodon being sucked into the tar.

Adventure City

Petting Zoo
Petting Zoo

Adventure City is an amusement park for young children in Anaheim (map). It has pint-sized attractions, kid-friendly rides, and a compactness to it that makes it convenient for walking or carrying. Our little guy of course enjoyed the petting zoo. He also liked the “barnstormer plane” ride that he made Dad take four times in a row with him.



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