Old World Wisconsin

Eagle, Wisconsin, USA (August 10, 2002)

The Witte Outhouse at Old World Wisconsin
The Witte Outhouse

The Wisconsin Historical Society operates Old World Wisconsin, south of the town of Eagle, an outdoor living history museum (map). The society collected vintage buildings from throughout the state and carefully transported them to the site. Experts then reassembled the buildings in their historical context. Different locations in Old World Wisconsin represent the various cultural groups that settled the state. Costumed interpreters intersperse among the buildings and bring the past back to life.

The structure in the photograph originally belonged to my wife’s family. The famed 3-holed “Witte Outhouse” came from the farm of her great-great-grandfather, August Witte. He immigrated with his parents from Germany around 1850 and settled in Emmet, Dodge Co., Wisconsin. The outhouse probably dates to 1873-1880.

Sure, it may not be the most prestigious artifact in the world but what does your family have preserved in a museum?

You may also be interested in reading more about the Witte Outhouse in the GPS and Genealogy article.






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