One Percent of Greenland Lives in a Single Building

[UPDATE: Block P was torn down in 2012]

I received the July 2010 print edition of National Geographic in the mail over the weekend. It had an interesting article on Greenland as it struggles with the effects of global warming. Naturally it includes all the usual excellent photography, maps and narrative that one would expect from such a publication.

Then a minor trifling, a nearly throw-away comment appeared as I read the entire article. I’ve long since learned to live with my predisposition towards nonsense. It’s why my family calls me the “master of useless trivia.” The article mentioned,

“Block P, Nuuk’s biggest apartment building, which alone houses about one percent of Greenland’s population.”

Found It

So I poked the recesses of the Intertubes looking for it. Finally, I think I located the elusive building in the capital city of Nuuk. It is called Blok P in Danish (map).

Greenland flag on building. Photo by Peter L?vstr?m] from Nuuk, Gr?nland, CC BY 2.0 via Wikimedia Commons

It sits within a large array of apartment blocks that wouldn’t look out of place in the old Soviet Union, architecturally speaking. Examine the photo and see if you don’t agree. The Danish government emptied many of the smaller coastal villages of Greenland a generation ago. Then they moved their inhabitants to these concrete Bloks. The article further states,

“The sprawling, rundown apartment blocks are a legacy of a forced modernization program from the 1950’s and 1960’s, when the Danish government moved people from small traditional communities into a few large towns. The intent was to improve access to schools and health care, reduce costs, and provide employees for the processing plants in the cod-fishing business, which boomed in the early 1960s but has since collapsed.”

I couldn’t find a source for the one percent “fact” although various places on the Web made the same non-attribution claim. I’m willing to believe it’s been vetted sufficiently by the National Geographic fact-checkers but let’s conduct a quick order-of-magnitude examination.

Fun With Math

The July 2010 population estimate for Greenland is 57,637 according to the CIA World Fact Book. One percent of the population is 576. I see six very long floors completely crammed with apartments. Do I believe that 576 people might be able to live there? Yes, that seems entirely plausible to me.

USA Equivalent

Arizona Stadium, University of Arizona 3. Photo by Ken Lund; (CC BY-SA 2.0)

It’s easy and fun to play games with Greenland’s diminutive population. Consider those 57,637 people again. If everyone in Greenland wanted to take a trip to the United States then the entire national population would fit almost perfectly within the stands of Arizona Stadium (map), home of the University of Arizona Wildcats (capacity 57,803).

UK Equivalent

Emirates Stadium. Photo by Dan Noctor; (CC BY-NC-ND 2.0)

If Greenland’s national population would rather visit the UK then they would fit within Emirates Stadium (map), formerly Ashburton Grove, home of the Arsenal Football Club. There would even be room to spare (capacity 60,355)

I know what you’re thinking: Yes, some of us still read print magazines.


4 responses to “One Percent of Greenland Lives in a Single Building”

  1. Craig Avatar

    Sure, they’d all fit onto the stands of Arizona Stadium, but chances are that they’d be arrested and deported first. 😉

    1. Twelve Mile Circle Avatar

      @Craig: Oh, goodness, I completely forgot about that. I try to keep the site as politically-neutral as possible but it looks like I stepped inadvertently right into the middle of that one. No offense intended to either side of the debate.

      Maybe a blanket visitors’ visa could be arranged for such a special occasion. The next larger would be Jones AT&T Stadium, home of the Texas Tech Red Raiders in Lubbock, TX.

  2. Taber Avatar

    This immediately made me think of your post on Superlative Tunnels, where you mentioned the Whittier Tunnel in Alaska that does double duty as a rail and car tunnel. The tiny town (population 182) that tunnel leads to has two massive condominium buildings left over from its days as a military installation, both of which were at the time of their construction the largest building in Alaska. One of them, called Begich Towers, houses more than half of the town’s population today. Here’s a street view of the building, which has 198 apartments.

    It looks very strange compared with the rest of the low-slung town. Back when I stumbled on this after your post, I found a copy of the most recent comprehensive plan for the city, which gave more exact numbers about how many people lived in that building vs. in other residences throughout town. I can’t find it again, but it was on the order of 80% or more.

    An isolated town in Alaska isn’t on the order of an entire sovereign nation, but still pretty wild!

    1. Twelve Mile Circle Avatar

      @Taber: I’m hoping to visit that little town this summer. Stay tuned!

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