Random Canadian

The pursuit of geo-oddities is a passion of mine, but not my only one. History, and by extension personal history (genealogy) is another. Sometimes the two intertwine.

I’ve long known of a family line tangential to mine that associated with the early history of Canadian, Texas (map). Their involvement began with the founding of Canadian in 1887 and extended into the early 20th Century.

IMG_0328(River Valley Pioneer Museum; Canadian, Texas). Photo by Aka Hige; (CC BY-SA 2.0)

I always considered Canadian an unusual name for a town so completely isolated and removed from anything resembling Canada. However, I’d never examined its etymology either. I guess I was curious but not quite that curious. Maybe Canadian settlers wandered down to the Texas Panhandle around that time and founded a town.

I Was Wrong

Well, maybe not completely wrong. Nonetheless, the situation is entirely more complicated than my mental supposition led me to believe. I’d forgotten about it frankly, until I poked around a map of Oklahoma recently and spotted Canadian County. It wasn’t that far away from Canadian, Texas; maybe 150 miles straight-line.

Certainly two Canadians so far away from Canada yet so close to each other stood a good chance of being related. Then I noticed a river valley squiggling between the two points and that proved to be the solution.

It’s About the River

Canadian, Texas; Canadian County, Oklahoma; and the less-populated Canadian Township and town of Canadian found elsewhere in Oklahoma are all named after the Canadian River. I also found additional examples through the U.S. Board on Geographic Names, one of my favorite resources.

Canadian river map. Kmusser, CC BY-SA 2.5, via Wikimedia Commons

The Canadian River starts in northeastern New Mexico and cuts across the Texas Panhandle. Then it meanders through much of Oklahoma’s girth before joining the Arkansas River. Finally as part of the Arkansas it marches towards the Mississippi River and into the Gulf of Mexico. It’s not more than a string of mudflats and quicksand for much of its length.


Nobody really knows how the Canadian River got its name. Local inhabitants offered several theories over the years. Variations appeared all over the Intertubes presented as fact.

  • It’s similar to the Spanish word cañada which can mean glen or gully. And, well, Spanish people were all over New Mexico and Texas. But the theory has a major flaw. No evidence exists to show that any actual Spanish-speaking visitors describing the river this way.
  • The river takes a northeastern jog as it cuts across the Texas Panhandle. This leads some to speculate that maybe an early explorer thought it flowed into Canada. Evidence is lacking and it seems rather far-fetched.
  • French-Canadian trappers and traders made it down here during the first half of the Eighteenth Century. Perhaps they wanted to honor their homeland.

A Closer Look

The Oklahoma Historical Society provided the best analysis of the etymology that I could find. They published it in their Chronicles of Oklahoma in 1928. The article provided circumstantial evidence that discounted the first two theories and promoted the third.

“These Creole French traders, trappers and voyageurs left their indelible impress upon the geography of Oklahoma, as the names of many rivers, creeks and mountains of the state bear abundant witness to this day, even though some of these have been more or less corrupted since the disappearance of the French language as the prevailing tongue of trade in this region, more than a century ago.”

The article also mentioned the Illinois River as another example. I don’t mean the major tributary of the Mississippi River found in the state of Illinois. It’s a different one that springs from the Ozark Mountains in Arkansas and flows into northeastern Oklahoma. The theory is that French-Canadians from Kaskaskia (see my Kaskaskia page) affixed the name to a new waterway they encountered during one of their trading expeditions. The same might apply to the Canadian River, which already had its name by the Eighteenth Century. Thus by extension it conveyed to many things Canadian in New Mexico, Texas and Oklahoma.

Is it an artifact of a vast trading network that covered most of the continent interior? Or is it an odd coincidence? The answer remains unknown.



6 responses to “Random Canadian”

  1. Mike Lowe Avatar

    I always figured it was Texans telling tall tales about my fine state. The state goes so far north, the river is darn near Canada. 🙂

    Once again, you have answered something I was asking myself. I’ll toast you tonight with my beer.

  2. Pfly Avatar

    There’s another theory about the Canadian River. William Bright’s book “Native American placenames of the United States” is a solid piece of work, so I’d put weight on his explanation, although he does say “probably”. Here’s a quote from his book about the Canadian River of Oklahoma (other Canadian Rivers likely have other etymologies), p. 78—it’s online at Google Books: http://books.google.com/books?id=5XfxzCm1qa4C&pg=PA78

    “…probably derived from Spanish “Río Canadiano”, a popular etymology from Caddo /káyántinu’/, used by the Indians to refer not to the Canadian River but to the nearby Red River.”

  3. Pfly Avatar

    Also, on the Ozarks Illinois River of Arkansas & Oklahoma I found this at Google Books: http://books.google.com/books?id=KpAmsIFdutAC&pg=PA122 “Oklahoma Place Names” by http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/George_H._Shirk — saying the river was named for the Illinois (the tribe). And, “The name was undoubtedly introduced to the region by the Osages, traditional allies of the Illinois tribe”. But I don’t know whether Shirk’s book is reliable. There’s plenty of bad place name “folk etymology”, especially those originally coming from Native Americans. Most of it is just guesswork. Shirk’s use of “undoubtedly” suggests he’s guessing.

  4. jlumsden Avatar

    I´ve been to Texas seven times, but only to change airports. I still count it. Flying from Seattle to Mexico City in a few weeks, but changing planes in Houston both on the way there and back. That makes nine times, without ever leaving the airport. Does that count as barely clipped?

    Sadly, or (perhaps happily), my planned weekend in Austin in April will break the streak.

    Speaking of which, my partner is very keen on mileage runs. He flies often for work, and with the same airline. Sometimes he will take flights just to add miles, returning the same day, if he sees a particularly good price. He´s mostly interested in the status upgrades, as it can mean free updgrades to first class. I´m going off topic, but there seems to be a similar spirit among the participants in this forum, and the participants in the mileage run forums. Do any of you also take interest in mileage runs?

  5. Mike Lowe Avatar

    My father in law did two extra flights on December 31st one year so he could keep his high-up status with Continental. He did the math (he’s a PE and a CPA) and it actually saved him money and time the next year. My wife and I drove him from his Guadelupe River house to the San Antonio airport. He flew to Houston and back to San Antonio. We picked him up about six hours later. Then we went back to the house and greeted the new year.

    I told him I’d rather get drunk at the house. Someone else can schlep him the next time. 😉

  6. CanadianCountyGuy Avatar

    Don’t forget that in Canadian County (where I now live), there is a town named Yukon, like Yukon Territory, Canada.

    I always joke that Oklahoma is to Texas as Canada is to America. Canada and Oklahoma are that younger, less populous, quieter, colder, northern neighbor to big, loud, proud America and Texas. Both America and Texas gained their sovereignty through revolution, while for both Canada and Oklahoma, the process towards nationhood/statehood was gradual and more peaceful. Both America and Texas have more Hispanics and Blacks per capita while both Canada and Oklahoma are more white, percentage wise, than the US and Texas, but actually have more Native peoples per capita than either the US or Texas.

    And both Canada and Oklahoma are less economically diversified and less affluent in terms of GDP per capita than the US and Texas, respectively.

    But of course, the US and Canada are very similar to each other culturally. Canada not only has NHL but also MLB, NBA, and yes, the CFL, which is tackle football, American-style, with a few minor changes. Oklahoma and Texas share their common love of high school and college football.

    When it comes to food, American and Canadian cuisine (outside of Quebec) are very similar. Same goes with Texan vs. Oklahoman cuisine (except for Cajun Texan cuisine.) Just like how Northern U.S. has the Canadian chain Tim Hortons, North Texas has the Oklahoman chain Braums.

    And Oklahoman accents are similar to DFW accents, in the same way a General American accent is similar to a Canadian accent outside of Quebec.

    In essence, people outside of the US and Canada think both countries are basically the same while Canadians’ main source of identity is, “We are not American!” Same with Oklahoma, whose only identity is, “We are not Texan!”

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