Who Loves 12MC?

Who loves the Twelve Mile Circle website the most? Anguilla, apparently.

I’ve tracked 12MC usage statistics for nearly five years, yet I hadn’t taken the next logical step by correlating this to per capita totals. Curiosity got the best of me and I created a simple spreadsheet comparing numbers of 12MC visitors by nations/dependent territories to their population. Mentally I would have guessed that the United States would have generated the greatest 12MC per capita visitor ratio. It’s an intuitive choice because I focus a large percentage of my website content on U.S. geo-oddities. I receive hundreds of U.S. visitors every day as a result.

Internationally, 12MC has a robust following in Canada and the United Kingdom, with Australia and New Zealand to a lesser degree. They’re all English-speaking countries. That makes sense. They would be my next set of logical choices. I figured that they would round-out the top tier given the number of visitors each sends to the site even while taking their sizable populations into account. Remarkably, other places seem to love 12MC more than these nations at least on a per capita basis.

The Surprising Result

Anguilla Trip - Waves! Photo by Pete Markham; (CC BY-SA 2.0)

That brings me to Anguilla, a British overseas territory located in the Caribbean (map). Recent population projections estimate that only about 15,000 people live on Anguilla so it wouldn’t take a lot of clicks to influence my statistics. Still, it’s not just one or two visits to the website. It’s no anomaly. I receive a regular, steady stream from Anguilla; not every day but once every few days. It works out to something like 1 Anguilla visitor to 12MC for every 270 residents.

Anguilla Viewed from St. Martin. Photo by howderfamily.com; (CC BY-SA 2.0)

I’ve never featured Anguilla in an article directly. I’ve also never set foot on Anguilla although I’ve seen it from a distance. I took this photograph from the French town of Grand Case on neighboring Saint-Martin last year. Notice how Anguilla appears clearly across the channel

So why do I get this traffic?

I suspect it’s due to tourists who are staying on Anguilla that are planning to cross the channel by ferry to spend a little time on Saint-Martin / Sint Maarten. I featured a number of pages during and immediately after my visit (e.g., Saint Martin Borders and Boundaries and Saint Martin Observations). The web logs seem to confirm this theory. My coverage of Saint Martin seems to have created a nice little statistical clustering causing Anguilla to be the most likely place to send a visitor to 12MC, at least per capita.

Speaking of Saint-Martin / Sint Maarten, this bifurcated island comes in second place and probably for a very similar reason. I had to make some assumptions in order to to calculate this. All of the traffic gets dumped into a generic “Netherlands Antilles” bucket.

Netherlands Antilles no longer exists, as we know, and even when it did it didn’t include the French oversees collectivity of Saint-Martin. Nonetheless that’s how I saw it recorded after I deliberately pinged 12MC from Grand Case, clearly on the French side of the border. I guess it must have something to do with the way Internet traffic leaves the island by undersea cable. I combined the populations of various components of the old Netherlands Antilles, added Saint-Martin, prorated, and came to the conclusion that the island captured second place.

Caribbean nations and dependencies send an inordinate amount of traffic to the Twelve Mile Circle. Let’s set those aside however and see what other surprises lurk.

So What Else?

The United States — which I figured would be in first place effortlessly — didn’t appear in the per capita rankings until sixth place. Even Saint Pierre and Miquelon beat it. Well, that one I believe is a true anomaly. It all comes down to a single article I published in the early days of the blog.

Still, more readers per capita came from Iceland than Australia? And from Brunei than Ireland? And from New Zealand than Canada and (by far!) the United Kingdom?

Some of the per capita results are due to small nations with minuscule populations. Those are interesting side-shows with dubious statistical merit other than some residual entertainment value. However many are not. My biggest surprises were seeing New Zealand so high on the list and the UK much further down on the list.

Top Tier

I think I’ll take a look at the individual U.S. states and see if my conventional wisdom is off-target there too. Meanwhile, here is the Top 25 per capita 12MC visitor list:

  1. Anguilla
  2. Saint Martin/Sint Maarten
  3. Dominica
  4. Saint Pierre and Miquelon
  5. British Virgin Islands
  6. United States
  7. New Zealand
  8. Canada
  9. Iceland
  10. Saint Kitts and Nevis
  11. Bermuda
  12. United States Virgin Islands
  13. Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
  14. Saint Lucia
  15. Australia
  16. Antigua and Barbuda
  17. Brunei
  18. Cayman Islands
  19. Barbados
  20. Guernsey
  21. Ireland
  22. Isle of Man
  23. United Kingdom
  24. Bahamas
  25. Turks and Caicos Islands



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3 responses to “Who Loves 12MC?”

  1. RSS reader Avatar
    RSS reader

    Hello. I like your blog a lot. But I mostly read it through RSS feed on Google Reader. So this kind of statistics most probably don’t count me as reader from Finland.

    1. Twelve Mile Circle Avatar

      That’s a fair point. I can get an inkling of RSS readership using Feedburner although it’s notoriously unreliable for statistical purposes and impossible to integrate into the logs for twelvemilecircle.com. The only time I capture usage statistics for regular RSS readers is when they come to 12MC to leave a comment, as you did… unless there was another visitor from Helsinki who viewed 4 pages yesterday?

  2. Hipsterdoofus Avatar

    I read through RSS feed as well, but I’m in the USA, so I wouldn’t skew anything.

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