I received an email message the other day from a first-time reader. He happened to stumble across Twelve Mile Circle randomly through a search engine, hoping to learn the answer to a burning question. I’d never covered the topic on the site before so I didn’t have a ready answer.
Nonetheless I found it both fascinating and worthwhile. So of course I dropped all of my other research topics underway to pursue it further. That’s because I have a short attention span and I love to follow tangents, but you knew that already. I put as much effort into the question as I’ve done for any article I’d post ordinarily. Well I might as well share the results with the rest of you, I guess.
Casino Buffet
The reader who went by “James” recalled an anecdote from the not-too-distant past. He was traveling through Yuma, Arizona and wanted a bite to eat. Of course, sometimes it’s tough to find a decent meal on the road. We’ve all developed our own ways to deal with that. I like to go to brewpubs under the theory that if the food falls short at least I’ll like the beer. James homes-in on casinos for the buffets. I hadn’t thought of that option before so I’ll have to add that to my travel tip list.
Anyway, he crossed the Colorado River, the border between California and Arizona . Then he discovered a small chunk of Arizona on the “wrong” side of the river. The state line ran right through the casino parking lot!
Here sits the Paradise Casino owned by the Quechan Tribe (formerly the Yuma Indians). I don’t believe it was an issue of legality since there are Native American casinos in California, too. However it’s not particularly germane to the anecdote so I’ll leave the question of this particular state-hugging casino alone. The more important aspect was the sliver of Arizona within territory one would ordinarily expect to belong to California.
The Anomaly
One is able to appreciate the full extent of the anomaly by going back to the map, above. Rivers don’t normally flow at right angles. So it’s not like the current state border followed an old riverbed that changed over time. Why, James wondered, did this artifact exist?
I had no idea. I thought it might trace back to old Fort Yuma, constructed in the 1850’s on the California side of the river to protect the new settlement on what was then the New Mexico Territory. That was an interesting bit of history, however, it didn’t provide an explanation.
The answer turned out to be much more recent: March 12, 1963. Unbelievably, two long-standing states (California since 1850 and Arizona since 1912) continued to argue over their common border as recently 1963. It should be the Colorado River but the riverbed had changed over the years.
Finally the two finally agreed upon an “Interstate Compact Defining the Boundary Between the States of Arizona and California.” The United States Congress approved the Compact in 1966, thereby enshrining the odd jog into the border permanently.
Excruciating Details

The Compact explained its logic:
“The boundary between the State of Arizona and California on the Colorado River has become indefinite and uncertain because of the meanderings in the main channel of the Colorado River with the result that a state of confusion exists as to the true and correct location of the boundary, and the enforcement and administration of the laws of the two states and the United States have been rendered difficult.”
It also provided, in excruciating detail, 34 points forming the new border in perpetuity (e.g., “700 feet to Point No. 28, which lies on the easterly shoulder line of said north-south road due east of the northeast corner of the stone retaining wall around the Indian School Hospital…“), along with requirements for another 234 subpoints not monumented.
A U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper published by the Government Printing Office, “Boundaries of the United States and the several States” elaborated further. The key reference appeared on Page 153.
“Because determination of the position midchannel at the time California entered the Union would be difficult now, it was decided to place the boundary line in a position that would provide an equitable distribution of the land that had been affected by the movement of the riverbed.”
A map found on the following page (Page 154) clearly showed the jog.
Why There?
How the two states agreed that this particular block should become part of Arizona may never be known except to those involved in the 1963 negotiations. Was it because it was close to Yuma? Was it because it was easy to reach from the rest of Arizona? That remains unanswered. However they clearly intended it to compensate Arizona for apparently undocumented changes in the course of the Colorado River. So it was nothing more than an approximation. Straight lines and right angles were appropriate and probably easier to survey.
Thanks James, and I hope you become a regular reader.
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