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The Sylvester Family of Plainview, Minnesota*

Electa Sylvester attends New England Conservatory of Music; Byrl Sylvester born

July 9, 1892 - January 28, 1893


July 9, 1892- Mr. and Mrs. E.L. Sylvester went to Milaca Saturday.
Although for enterprise and ambition the Plainview girls are noted, especial mention should be made of Miss Electa Sylvester, who has been teaching and during unoccupied moments, she has devoted her time to obtaining subscriptions for the Ladies' Home Journal, until has nearly 300 secured. The result of this secures to her a paid up tuition and board at the New England Conservatory of Music at Boston for a limited time, where she will enter in September with the determination to graduate and when one so in earnest makes so determined an effort we should help her all we can and feel proud of her as one of "our girls". Let us give her a subscription at least.
July 16, 1892- The M.E. Ladies Aid will hold their quarterly tea with Mrs. E.L. Sylvester on Wednesday July 20th. All are cordially invited.
Mr. and Mrs. E.L. Sylvester returned from their pleasure trip up to Duluth, St. Paul and other points north. They report a very pleasant journey and a general good time.
July 18, 1892- Miss Etta F. Mullen a teacher in the Farmington Schools is the guest of Miss Electa Sylvester.
Alumni Banquet at Hotel
President Miss Electa Sylvester- Toastmaster. New officers for next year.
July 23, 1892- Misses Electa and Nellie Sylvester went to Lake City Thursday to recreate and rest a few days. They expect to return Monday.
August 13, 1892- Misses Grace Landon, Nellie Sylvester, Ethel Mae Davey, Hattie Felton, and Luella Meachum hired a livery team and drove over to Rochester (NOTE: a trip of about 25 miles) Wednesday. The day being fine and nothing occurring to mar the pleasure of the journey, they returned very much delighted with the trip as well as the enjoyment of a visit to the asylum.
August 20, 1892- Mrs. Frank Murphy and sister Mrs. Stone of St. Paul, are visiting at E.L. Sylvester's. Mrs. Stone returned to St. Paul Friday. (Note: Hettie Sylvester worked in Frank Murphy's store before her marriage.)
September 2, 1892- Mr. and Mrs. Frank Sylvester of Milaca spent the week with relatives in town. Before returning home they will take an extended trip West and South.
September 10, 1892- Miss Electa Sylvester and Miss Luella Meachum left Saturday for Boston to attend the Conservatory of Music. F.L. Meachum accompanied them to Chicago, returning Monday noon.
September 17, 1892- Miss Sylvester accompanied by her daughter left for the Cities Saturday. Miss Nellie will attend the Hamline University. Mrs. Sylvester returned Monday.
New safe in the Plainview Bank. 3,300 pounds.
September 24, 1892- Mr. and Mrs. Frank Sylvester returned from their trip to California Sunday and returned to their home in Milaca on Wednesday.
October 22, 1892- Mrs. M.A. Sylvester is in Hamline visiting her daughter Nellie.
October 29, 1892- A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. E.L. Sylvester this morning. (NOTE: Byrl).
December 3, 1892- Mrs. M.A. Sylvester, who has been visiting with her son Frank at Milaca for several weeks returned home Wednesday.


January 21, 1893- Mrs. Sylvester is laid up with a sprained ankle caused by slipping on the sidewalk which had not been properly cleaned off and ice allowed to accumulate.
January 28, 1893- The Misses Electa and Nellie Sylvester, the former of the Boston Conservatory and the latter at Hamile University, were summoned home to attend their

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* SOURCE: Manzow, Ron (compiler), "The Sylvester Family of Plainview, Minnesota - a collection of information taken from the Plainview News, other newspapers, letters, and diaries beginning in 1884": Plainview Area History Center, 40 4th St. S.W., Plainview, MN 55964. Compiled in 2001.

NOTE: from Ron Manzow, December 2001: "Feel free to reproduce the pages for anyone who wants a copy. It was compiled to be shared... All I ask is that they consider sending a check to the [Plainview Area] History Center to help us out. That should be enough."

Howder; © 1995-2011 All Rights Reserved. Last Updated February 14, 2011.