mornings before a party of men were on the premises fighting fire while he was peacefully sleeping. On that
morning the strong south wind blew a spark from the engine into the straw pile which stands near the barn, and the
train was passing but fortunately the spark lit on the north side of the stack, and though a good little blaze started,
the wind kept it from catching the stack before it was discovered.
The Hamline students, Miss Nellie Sylvester, Miss Inez Wahler, and Miss Emma Koenig returned today.
Miss Electa Sylvester, instructor of Music at Mayville, N.D. will spend the holidays at home. She is
expected today or Monday.
January 5, 1895- The following officers were elected at the M.E. Sunday School last Sunday. Supt.- E.L.
Sylvester, Sec/Treas- A.P. Stafford.
February 16, 1895- Old Settlers- Elected E.L. Sylvester V.P.
March 9, 1895- E.L. Sylvester went to Rochester today to attend the funeral of his aunt Mrs. Yetter, who died in
Montana and was brought back to her old home for burial. [HOWDER NOTE: This is Abigail Frances (Sylvester)
Yetter; she actually passed away in Monte Vista, Rio Grande Co., COLORADO - not Montana].
March 16, 1895- The M.E. Ladies Aid will meet with Mrs. E.L. Sylvester on Wednesday afternoon March 30.
March 28, 1895- One of the largest crokinole parties this season was that given by Mr. and Mrs. E.L. Sylvester
Saturday night. 7 boards were in full operation and there seemed to be no doubt but what all were enjoying
The Hamline students, Misses Sylvester, Wahler and Koenig, spent their week's vacation in town.
March 30, 1895- E.L. Sylvester has bought the little Sullivan house of John Jones and has leased it to the Mahan
sisters who will run dressmaking parlors.
June 1, 1895- Entertainment at M.E. Church- "Tom Thumb Wedding."
Bride- Francis Stafford
Groomsman- Park Sylvester
Bridesmaid- Meta Sylvester
Friday June 7th. Ice Cream and cake will be served at the close of the entertainment at 10 cents a dish.
Admission 15 cents. Children 10 cents.
June 15, 1895- The Tom Thumb Wedding proved a very cute and pleasing entertainment. Mrs. Allen had the little
tots drilled to perfection and the entertainment was much appreciated. Gross receipts $50.
Alumni Banquet- M.E. Church parlors
The program was closed by a solo by Miss Electa Sylvester '89 much appreciated by all.
Miss Electa Sylvester who has been teaching at Mayville, N.D. is home for the summer vacation.
Mises Nellie Sylvester, Inez Wahler and Emma Koenig returned from Hamline last week to spend summer
July 8, 1895- Oratorio "Queen Esther" at G.A.R. Hall Thursday and Friday.
Queen Attendant- Miss Sylvester
Hagai- A.P. Stafford
July 20, 1895- Oliver Nelson is putting a cellar under his building occupied by A.P. Stafford.
August 10, 1895- The Temple of Fame- Musical Entertainment
G.A.R. Hall Friday and Saturday August 16-17
Japanese Maiden- Nellie Sylvester
August 31, 1895- Mr. and Mrs. Frank Sylvester of Milaca have been guests of his mother and brother this week.
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