lost their pedals. The second event was the free for all race for all sexes, and the entries were Miss Nellie Sylvester
and H. M. Dugas. Miss Sylvester won. Harry not proving that all dangerous. J. W. Murdoch officiated as starter
and referee and his decisions were as fair as could be expected from one not entirely disinterested. - Wabasha
May 7, 1898- Mesdames A. A. Marshall, G. H. Dickman, G. F. Sylvester, and Lee T. Meachum drove to Rochester
May 21, 1898- The M.E. Ladies Aid will meet with Mrs. M. A. Sylvester Wednesday afternoon.
Ladies Cemetery Association Decoration day. Wait on tables- Mrs. E. and F. Sylvester.
May 28, 1898- Mrs. E. Sylvester is entertaining Mrs. B. F. Ward of Minneapolis.
June 11, 1898- Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Sylvester visited Wabasha Wednesday.
June 18, 1898- Misses Nettie and Meta Sylvester are spending the week in Wabasha, the guests of Rose and Ruth
July 9, 1898- Mrs. M. A. Sylvester and daughters Misses Electa and Nellie, Mrs. E. L. Sylvester and children, Mrs.
G. F. Sylvester and daughter left Tuesday for Maplewood Park where they will spend a couple of weeks.
The first special excursion to Maplewood Park left this morning at 6:30. In the neighborhood of 100 of our
citizens availed themselves of this opportunity to hear the popular orator, Dr. Talmage, who is principal speaker at
the Park today.
July 16, 1898- Sunday while Messrs E. L. Sylvester and G. F. Sylvester were out in the woods enjoying the beauties
of nature's scenery, they encountered an enemy to whom they at once gave battle and after a short struggle won a
victory equal to Dewey's in as much as they did not lose a man. Before leaving the battle field they stripped the
dead of its values consisting of 12 rattles and a button.
July 23, 1898- Mesdames G. F. and E. L. Sylvester and children returned from their outing at Maplewood Park
Monday evening.
July 30, 1898- Good entertainment at song recital Wednesday evening. Both Misses Sylvester and Waste retain the
reputation they have made as readers and on Wednesday night seem at their best...
August 6, 1898- Mr. and Mrs. Frank Sylvester entertained a party of friends Monday night in honor of Miss
Edwards of Boston.
August 13, 1898- Mrs. E. L. Sylvester entertained Monday evening in honor of her friend, Mrs. A. C. Steinman, of
August 20, 1898- Mrs. G. F. Sylvester and daughter have gone to Milaca for a visit.
August 27, 1898- Miss Electa Sylvester leaves today for the western part of the state where she joins a party of
camping friends.
September 10, 1898- G. F. Sylvester left Saturday to Milaca to spend a week or so with friends. His wife and
daughter will accompany him home.
October 8, 1898- Mrs. E. L. Sylvester, Mrs. G. R. Hall, and Mrs. I. A. Grove leave today for Winona to attend the
Foreign Missionary Convention.
November 5, 1898- Miss Electa Sylvester who has been spending several weeks at points in the central part of the
state, is home.
November 19, 1898- At a meeting of the Epworth League at the M. E. parsonage Nov. 11, the following officers
were elected... Miss Electa Sylvester -L.W., G. F. Sylvester- Treasurer...
November 26, 1898- The Ladies Aid Society will meet with Mrs. M. A. Sylvester Tuesday afternoon.
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