Burchard, Nellie Hall, Mrs. Dyer.
July 20, 1900- Mr. and Mrs. G F. Sylvester and children left Friday for Oak Park, Minnesota where they visited
friends and relatives a few days.
July 27, 1900- Unanimous vote to organize an association for a street fair. T. G. Bolton President, Geo. H.
Dickman V. President, G. F. Sylvester, Secretary, C. D. Burchard Treasurer.
August 10, 1900- Board of Education election. J. W. Mallory -Pres, G. F. Sylvester- Clerk, P. C. Wood- Treasurer.
Prof. and Mrs. W. P. Dyer of Slayton, who have been visiting her mother, Mrs. M. A. Sylvester for the past
few weeks , left Tuesday for Pipestone where they will visit with his father before returning to Slayton. The were
accompanied by Miss Nettie Sylvester.
August 17, 1900- Mesdames G. F. Sylvester and Stanchfield went to Rochester Tuesday.
August 24, 1900- The pupils of Miss Electa Sylvester gathered at their instructor's home Wednesday evening and
rendered a very pleasing musical program which was interspersed with sketches of the lives of Beethoven and Bach
by Alta Meachum and Vera Saxe. Miss Sylvester was the recipient of many beautiful floral offerings, after which
the following entertaining program was rendered... ("Danse Villageouse" Brunner by Mrs. G. F. Sylvester,
"Chorous Priciosa" Weber by Birdie Sylvester, "Sad a dgay" Enckhausen by Meta Sylvester).
August 31, 1900- Miss Electa Sylvester entertained a company of young lady friends at tea Thursday evening.
September 7, 1900- G. F. Sylvester has broken ground for a fine new residence on the corner of Broadway and
Lincoln Streets. The house is to be 28 X 38 feet, two stories and is expected to be ready for use before snow flies.
September 14, 1900- Send in applications for entries at the street fair just as soon as you can; the earlier the better.
Go or send to the secretary G. F. Sylvester.
November 2, 1900- Epworth League (Officers elected. Frank Sylvester- Treasurer. Retiring President- E. L.
November 9, 1900- Miss Electa Sylvester went to Winona yesterday.
November 23, 1900- Mrs. G. F. Sylvester visited St. Paul this week.
December 14, 1900- Miss Electa Sylvester went to Minneapolis to attend the Grand Opera.
G. F. Sylvester has moved his family into their new dwelling house this week and hereafter Mr. and Mrs.
Sylvester will be at home to their friends corner of Broadway and Lincoln Streets.
December 21, 1900- Miss Electa Sylvester returned from Minneapolis Tuesday evening.
January 4, 1901- (NOTE: Picture of G. F. Sylvester House). The residence of G. F. Sylvester, corner of Lincoln
and Broadway is of a different style of architecture, with all the desirable improvements, has large pleasant rooms
and very conveniently arranged and has hot water heating plant. The total cost of Mr. Sylvester's building is about
$4,000. [HOWDER ADDITION: Equates to about $87,000 in 2005 dollars] (NOTE: this house was later owned
by the Swanbeck family and later used as a convent for St. Joachim's Catholic Church. It was later owned by High
Plains and made into several rental units. It was demolished in the 1990's.)
January 25, 1901- G. F. Sylvester attended the meeting of the Masonic Grand Lodge at
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