G. F. Sylvester and family went to Camp Schmoker to spend a few days. (NOTE- Camp Schmoker was a
"resort" of sorts along the Mississippi River. You furnished your own tents and camped out on Mr. Schmoker's
land next to the river.)
Miss Mabel Sylvester of Madelia, arrived Tuesday and is the guest of her cousin, Miss Electa Sylvester.
September 6, 1901- Miss Electa Sylvester was at Eyota Saturday and Sunday.
Miss Electa Sylvester has arranged a Piano Recital for her pupils to be given at the home of Mrs. G. F.
Sylvester this evening.
Emma and Vera went to F. Sylvester's in the evening. All the scholars of Electa played a piano piece and
Vera played her first piece before a crowd. She done well and was applauded. She is 8 years old. -Dickman Diary.
September 13, 1901- The pupils of Miss Electa Sylvester gave a very entertaining piano recital last Friday evening
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. G. F. Sylvester. The selections were all well rendered, creditable alike to the pupils and
their instructor. At the conclusion of the musical program, Miss James of Eyota, who was present as the guest of
Miss Sylvester, favored the company with a very pretty recitation entitled, "The Old Minstrel."
While the program was too lengthy to permit encores, the audience could not refrain from recalling Miss
Mabel Huntoon, as a mark of special appreciation. After a short period of social enjoyment, the guests departed,
feeling that they had been well entertained by Miss Sylvester and her pupils.
September 20, 1901- The Board of Education has secured Miss Electa Sylvester to fill Merritt Horn's place while
he is absent.
September 23, 1901 Monday- Mrs. Frank Sylvester was here. -Dickman Diary.
November 15, 1901- The Young Ladies Aid Society of the Methodist church will meet with Mrs. G. F. Sylvester
Tuesday afternoon. All members and those desiring to become members are cordially invited.
November 29, 1901- Misses Inez Wahler and Electa Sylvester spent Thanksgiving with friends in Winona.
December 6, 1901- E. L. Sylvester and sister Electa were Rochester visitors Monday.
January 2, 1902- Mrs. F. Sylvester was here in the afternoon. -Dickman Diary.
January 3, 1902- Mr. and Mrs. G. F. Sylvester were in Minneapolis a part of this week.
January 17, 1902 Friday- Emma was over to Mrs. E. Sylvester's in the PM. -Dickman Diary.
February 7, 1902- Miss Electa Sylvester left Tuesday morning for Madelia where she will visit her cousins and
from there go to Slayton for a visit with her sister, Mrs. W. P. Dyer.
February 14, 1902 Friday- The Catch-all Club surprised us this evening. They invited us to surprise E. R.
Cornwell. We just got ready to go when the whole crowd came up here. There was 24 in all. Mr. and Mrs. Askew,
Cornwell's, C.D. Burchard's, Slocumb's, G. W. Lyons', J. Burnham's, E. L. Sylvester's, G. F. Sylvester's, P. C.
Wood's, Rev. and Mrs. Anderson, Mat Wood's. They all brought a lunch which was served about half past 7 and
after that they all played Crokinole and camp. They departed for their homes about half past ten. -Dickman Diary.
February 28, 1902- Old Settlers Meeting (G. F. Sylvester president for next year)
Miss Electa Sylvester returned from Slayton Tuesday.
April 4, 1902 Friday- We held our Catch-all Club at Frank Sylvester's this evening. We had a good turnout. -
Dickman Diary.
April 14, 1902 Monday- Callers were F. Sylvester. -Dickman Diary.
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