October 31, 1905 Sunday- The Catch-all Club gave us a surprise. They came at suppertime and all had supper
here. Those in the party C. D. Burchard's, E. R. Cornwells, Rev. Griffith's, Rev. Ackerman's, Matt Wood's, William
Lyon's, A. Marshall's, G R. Hall's, Lee T. Meachum's, Dr. Slocumb's, Mrs. Huntley, E. L. Sylvester's, G. F.
Sylvester's. -Dickman Diary.
November 14, 1905 Tuesday- Emma was invited to G. F. Sylvester's in the evening. -Dickman Diary.
November 17, 1905- Mrs. E. L. Sylvester and sons Park and Byrl, leave for the Cities this afternoon to spend
Saturday and Sunday with Miss Nettie Sylvester.
November 24, 1905- Travelers Club November 27- Mrs. Burchard
"German Literature Period 2 1300-1500 Hans Sacks" -Mrs. G. F. Sylvester.
December 1, 1905- Miss Meta Sylvester left for Hamline Wednesday afternoon to spend Thanksgiving with her
sister, Miss Nettie and other friends.
G. F. Sylvester made a business trip to Hammond Monday and he states that the drive home was anything
but pleasant.
December 15, 1905- Travelers Club- Monday December 18- Mrs. E. L. Sylvester
A German Christmas
Ladies Circle G. A. R. Tuesday evening. Officers elected- Treasurer Mrs. Kate Sylvester.
E. L. Sylvester made a business trip to Wabasha Saturday He was accompanied as far as Kellogg by his
wife who took the train there for Winona were she spent the day.
Teachers Meeting Dec. 16 1:30 Program Recitation "Ole Bull's Christmas" Miss Meta Sylvester.
December 29, 1905- G. F. Sylvester made a business trip to Rochester Tuesday.
Miss Nettie Sylvester pleasantly entertained a number of friends Thursday evening.
January 5, 1906- Miss Nettie Sylvester returned to her school duties at Hamline Tuesday morning after spending
the holidays with her parents and friends here.
Travelers January 8 Mrs. L. T. Meachum
"Dresden China" Mrs. E. L. Sylvester
Mrs. G. F. Sylvester was a Rochester visitor Tuesday.
Annual meeting for stockholders of the Plainview Canning Company. Tuesday January 9 at 2 o'clock. E.
L Sylvester Secretary.
January 12, 1906- Geo. H. Dickman, G. F. Sylvester and T. G. Bolton went to Minneapolis Wednesday as
delegates to the state Agricultural Meeting in session at that time.
January 26, 1906- The annual meeting of the stock holders of the Plainview Canning Company was held Wednesday
afternoon at the village hall. The reports of the secretary E. L. Sylvester and the treasurer F. G. Shumway were
approved. Although prices are low it seemed to be in the opinion of the stock holders present that the factory should
be operated the coming year...
Mrs. G. F. Sylvester was a Rochester visitor a few days last week.
January 29, 1906 Monday- Mrs. Sylvester called in the afternoon. -Dickman Diary.
February 2, 1906- Park Sylvester and sister, Miss Meta, spent Sunday with friends at Rochester.
February 16, 1906- Travelers February 19- Mrs. Carley
"Munich and Berlin as Art Centers" Mrs. G. F. Sylvester
Old Settlers- G. F. Sylvester President
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