19 at 2 o'clock. E. L. Sylvester secretary.
March 8, 1907- Travelers March 11
"The Lake Poets"- Mrs. G. F. Sylvester
Mrs. E. L. Sylvester visited friends in Elgin Wednesday afternoon.
March 13, 1907 Wednesday- Mrs. E. L. Sylvester was here. -Dickman Diary.
March 22, 1907- H. S. Play "The Sweet Girl Graduate" Saturday March 23
Miss Maude DeAmythe- the sweet girl, Anna Sylvester
Misses Vera Saxe and Nettie Sylvester came home from Hamline last week to enjoy their spring vacation
with their parents and among friends.
Travelers March 25- Mrs. G. F. Sylvester
Music- Piano Solo- Mrs. G. F. Sylvester
March 29, 1907- Misses Nettie Sylvester and Vera Saxe who have been enjoying their spring vacation at home,
returned to Minneapolis Tuesday afternoon to resume their studies at Hamline.
C. W. Donaldson, H. D. and Dr. E. E. Smith and G. F. Sylvester went to Winona Thursday afternoon to
attend the Rose Croix Banquet. Mr. Sylvester was accompanied by his wife and from there will go to the Cities for
a short visit.
April 5, 1907- Travelers at Mrs. G. F. Sylvester April 8
Piano Solo- Mrs. G. F. Sylvester
E. L. Sylvester and T. A. Nelson went to Rochester Tuesday afternoon to bring the body of Mrs. Cecelia A.
S. Williams to the village for burial. She died at the state hospital on Sunday.
April 12, 1907- At the regular meeting of the Travelers held at the home of Mrs. G. F. Sylvester, Monday evening,
the following officers were elected for the ensuing year. Pres.- Miss Mary Lahey, VP- Miss Elliott, Treasurer- Mrs.
G. F. Sylvester, Sec.- Miss Herbach.
April 17, 1907 Saturday- Leona went to the Whitewater with Mrs. F. Sylvester. -Dickman Diary.
April 19, 1907- Mesdames Albert Koenig, Chas Bush, G. F. Sylvester, and Miss Mattie Holzer drove to Rochester
Wednesday on a short visit.
May 3, 1907- Miss Meta Sylvester entertained the Modest Bench at her home on W. Broadway Saturday evening
April 27...
May 10, 1907- The Ladies Aid of the M. E. Church will meet with Mrs. E. L. Sylvester next Wednesday afternoon.
Miss Meta Sylvester entertained the teachers at her home on W. Broadway Wednesday evening.
May 17, 1907- Class of 1907- Meta Sylvester
Women's Foreign Missionary Society at M. E. Church
3:20 "The Enduring Enthusiasm" Mrs. E. L. Sylvester Plainview.
Miss Meta Sylvester entertained the members of the Senior class at her home on W. Broadway Friday
Epworth Anniversary- Solo Anna Sylvester.
May 31, 1907- "The Merchant of Venice Up-To-Date" -June 3 GAR Hall.
Tubal, his friend and captain of the Belmont Football team- Park Sylvester
Portio, a rich heiress- Meta Sylvester
Admission 25 cents. Reserved seats 35 cents.
The Priscillas will meet with Mrs. G. F. Sylvester Wednesday June 5.
June 7, 1907- Commencement Tuesday evening.
Miss Nettie Sylvester vocal solo- "Summer"
Miss Nettie Sylvester returned from Hamline Tuesday evening to be present at the commencement
exercises and to spend the summer vacation at home.
Miss Nettie Sylvester, who has just returned from St. Paul where she has been
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