Miss Anna Sylvester who has been attending college at Detroit Michigan, returned home Wednesday to remain during the holidays.
The Sophomore class had a class party Thursday evening at the home of Byrl Sylvester.
December 31, 1909- Travelers January 3- Mrs. E. L. Sylvester
Music- Mrs. G. F. Sylvester, Miss Palmer, Miss Nettie Sylvester.
January 7, 1910- Miss Nettie Sylvester returned Monday from Winona where she sang Sunday morning and evening at the Central Methodist Church.
The deferred meeting of the Travelers will be merged with the next regular meeting which will be held at the home of Mrs. E. L. Sylvester January 17, 1910. The program will appear in next weeks NEWS.
January 14, 1910- Travelers will meet January 17 with Mrs. E. L. Sylvester
Music- Mrs. G. F. Sylvester, Mrs. Palmer, Miss Nettie Sylvester.
G. F. Sylvester, T. G. Bolton, and C. D. Burchard left for St. Paul Wednesday to attend the meeting of the State Agricultural Societies as delegates from Wabasha County Industrial Fair Association.
January 21, 1910- Travelers- January 31- Mrs. H. G. Austin.
"Politics in Austria Hungary:"- Mrs. G. F. Sylvester.
January 28, 1910- Mrs. Park Sylvester and little daughter who have been spending a few weeks at the home of her parents, returned to Minneapolis Saturday morning.
February 4, 1910- Miss Nettie Sylvester went to St. Paul Saturday on a visit to her sister and friends.
E. L. Sylvester made a business trip to Winona Monday.
February 9, 1910, Wednesday- Emma and I went to a party at W. G. Mack’s in honor of my birthday. Those present: Mr. and Mrs. G. F. Sylvester, J. A. Slocumb’s, LaCraft’s, T. A. Askew’s, Abe Marshall’s, Miller Bolton’s, J. Manchester’s, Chas. Bush’s, A. C. Woodcock’s, F. D. Washburn’s, C. D. Burchard’s, W. G. Mack’s and Emma and I. –Dickman Diary.
February 11, 1910- Annual Meeting of Greenwood Prairie Telephone Company. Directors: J. A. Carley, E. L. Sylvester, L. E. Ryan, Frank Appel and M. A. Nelson.
E. L. Sylvester went to Winona and Wabasha Tuesday to attend business matters.
February 18, 1910- Old Settlers Meeting- E. L. Sylvester reelected Secretary.
February 21, 1910, Monday- Went to Minneapolis in the afternoon to the Auto Show. Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Sylvester and Byrl were there too. –Dickman Diary.
February 25, 1910- Travelers- February 28- Mrs. G. F. Sylvester. This lesson finishes the book on Austrian Hungarian History and while it has proven one of the most interesting studies pursued by the club in sometime, we are looking forward with pleasing anticipation to the completion of the book on "pictures."
The committee on programs has prepared and presented some most excellent programs, giving ample time to each member to prepare their special part.
Miss Nettie Sylvester, who has been spending sometime at St. Paul, accompanied her parents home Wednesday morning.
Geo. H. Dickman, Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Sylvester and son Byrl left Saturday for the Cities where they will visit with friends and attend the auto show.
March 11, 1910- Mrs. P. D. Sylvester, who has been spending some time at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Lillie, returned to St. Paul Wednesday.
Mr. and Mrs. G. F. Sylvester and family left for the Cities Wednesday morning on
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