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The Sylvester Family of Plainview, Minnesota*

American Army takes over Norton Harjes ambulance corps

August 24, 1917 - August 27, 1917

PAGE 100

good yield, and it is a good quality. But it lacks a great deal of quantity.
I fear that some of your letters have gone astray, as yet I have not received the several packages you mentioned in your last letter. I am sure that when they arrive I shall declare a holiday, if not a birthday. Thanks very much for sending them. I appreciate it very much. Am in the best of health and therefore there is no need to complain.
Write soon.
Love, Byrl.
August 24, 1917- (Byrl’s letter)

Sylvester Gets First Glimpse of Enemy Country
Plainview Boy on French Front Witnesses Real Action in German Trenches
War Game Wonderful Problem, He States
Reports Corps There Fine With Warm Days and Cool Nights – No Luxuries
To Be Had

Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Sylvester are just in receipt of two letters from their son, Byrl, in France, which we know will be of real interest to our readers.
(NOTE: Letters written July 22 & 29 printed here.)
Edwin Sylvester Jr. left Saturday for Ames, Iowa on a visit to the home of his sister, Mrs. R. J. Holmes.
Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Sylvester drove to Rochester Saturday where they were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Buss over Sunday.
Monday August 27, 1917

In France
Dear Folks,
Your letters are coming every week now. Received the draft list and the box of cigars mailed from Rochester. Very fine. Thanks. Have given several of the smokes away and the men are certainly delighted with them.
We just received the news that the Norton Harjes Ambulance sections had been taken over by the American Army. It is too early to tell just at present how things will be reorganized but we will all stay in and serve out our six months – unless unforeseen things show up. It is no more than natural that now our troops are coming over and the U. S. will soon have her own men on the front that we go under control of our own government. At present the dope is that after the six months are up we will receive honorable discharge and have the opportunity of staying on in the ambulance service or choosing some other branch of the army. At all events, I want to go home before getting into something else. It is too early yet to tell what one can do. At all events I do not want to be branded as a slacker. Notice that Irl Richmond is on the list. How does Irl feel about it? There is a big chance that the men that are being drafted now will never go near the trenches over here, of course no one can tell. We know though, that the U. S. Govt. is certainly shoving things right along and we are way ahead of the program as far as preparation is concerned. It seems that the allies have just found their feet during the past week, are cooperating and going ahead. Russia is the big disappointment at present. Just received a fine letter from Meta (NOTE: Byrl’s sister) today and hear every week from Nettie. Very fine. Noticed the bank statement in the paper. Very good, also that the crops are big. Fine. The improvements on Water Street must be very fine. Whose idea was it? Edwin Jr. must be getting ready for school now. He should sail to it and if there is any chance for him to take military training, let him do it.
Am mailing three snap-shots – one of our car while on duty just after a call. Notice the helmets and the gas masks strapped to our sides. The two others are of a gink whom you have seen before and who will soon be home. Write often mother. Am in the BEST of health.

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* SOURCE: Manzow, Ron (compiler), "The Sylvester Family of Plainview, Minnesota - a collection of information taken from the Plainview News, other newspapers, letters, and diaries beginning in 1884": Plainview Area History Center, 40 4th St. S.W., Plainview, MN 55964. Compiled in 2001.

NOTE: from Ron Manzow, December 2001: "Feel free to reproduce the pages for anyone who wants a copy. It was compiled to be shared... All I ask is that they consider sending a check to the [Plainview Area] History Center to help us out. That should be enough."

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