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women of the 9th Federal District.
April 18, 1919- Honors for month of March – High School – Marion Sylvester.
The following Plainview members of the Scottish Rite left for Wabasha on Thursday morning to attend the Maundy – Thursday banquet: E. L and G. F. Sylvester, C. L. Waterman, H. D. and Dr. E. E. Smith, Victor Smith, and Chas. Posz.
The Ladies Circle will meet with Mrs. G. F. Sylvester next Tuesday afternoon. A picnic supper will be served and all are invited.
April 25, 1919- Edwin Sylvester came down from Mankato last Saturday to enjoy the spring vacation at home.
Mrs. G. F. Sylvester went to Rochester last Friday on a short visit to friends and to meet her daughter, Miss Katherine, who was returning from Hamline on a short vacation.
E. L. Sylvester, M. J. Manchester, Charles Richmond, W. G. Mack, and Victor Smith were among those from here who left for the Cities Wednesday where they are in attendance at the Shriners Convention being held there this week.
May 2, 1919- Mr. and Mrs. G. F. Sylvester spent Thursday in Winona.
May 9, 1919- (Thaddeus Davey dies of TB before reaching states.)
Mesdames E. L. Sylvester and Lillian Bateman left for Minneapolis Sunday afternoon to spend a few days in the Cities.
Operetta in 2 parts, "The Japanese Girl."
Girls Glee Club – May 14 – Opera House.
"Miss Knowall, and American Governess" – Marion Sylvester.
E. L. Sylvester left for St. Paul Wednesday afternoon to attend the reception tendered the Rainbow Division.
Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Sylvester received a message from their son, Park, Monday announcing his arrival at N.Y. that morning. The whole 82nd division has returned. Park expects to be home in about 2 weeks.
Mesdames G. F. Sylvester, E. W. Schwanbeck and B. F. Nichols left for Waseca Thursday morning to attend the First District Federation of Women’s Clubs Convention.
"Japanese Girl" repeated at Opera House at afternoon matinee.
June 6, 1919- Miss Katherine Sylvester, of Plainview, attending Hamline University in St. Paul, will take part with 400 other students and faculty members in the Victory pageant of Hamline University on the college campus, Saturday evening June 7th as a part of the 61st annual commencement.
Miss Katherine Sylvester will be a representative of the Freshman class in the chorus of the grand finale…
Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Buss and Miss Maybelle Brown of Rochester were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Sylvester on Memorial Day.
Walter Stephan and E. L. Sylvester have to their credit the largest pickerel caught by any Plainview fisherman this season. They landed a ten pound at Camp Schmoker Sunday afternoon.
June 13, 1919- Miss Marion Sylvester left for St. Paul Saturday morning to attend the Victory Pageant of Hamline University and to spend a few days with her sister Miss Katherine.
Park Sylvester left for Rochester Friday morning to spend a few days with friends.
June 20, 1919- Miss Katherine Sylvester returned from Hamline University last week for the summer vacation.
E. L. Sylvester on Monday purchased the old Krusemark farm consisting of 160 acres in Oakwood of Ernest Brueske. The deal was made through George Dickman.
Park Sylvester, who has been enjoying a 30 day furlough at the home of his parents in the city, left last Friday morning for Rochester to spend the day, leaving there Saturday morning for Camp Upton, M.Y. where he expects shortly to enter veterinary
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