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returned to Minneapolis Tuesday to resume his studies at the state "U."
G. F. Sylvester went to Chicago Saturday to spend a week. While there he visited his daughters Marion and Katherine.
E. L. Sylvester disposed of the William J. Karsten 160 acre farm in Elgin Township to Edward Karsten.
April 7, 1922- Teacher’s Club at home of Mr. and Mrs. G. F. Sylvester Friday evening. A very dainty midnight lunch was served and April Fools jokes participated in. Some of the jokes being unusually clever, yet all went home happy in spite of the fact they had been the cause of mirth. All were loud in their praises of the entertainers who certainly know how to celebrate the coming in of April first.
A large number of Plainview Rebekas left Wednesday morning for Winona to attend the district meeting of the order. (NOTE: 20 from Plainview including E. L. Sylvester.)
April 14, 1922- Mrs. G. F. Sylvester left Friday morning for Chicago where she will visit a few days and then go to Moline Ill. to visit at the home of her daughter, Mrs. R. J. R. Baker. She will be accompanied from Chicago by her daughter Miss Marion.
Mrs. E. L. Sylvester went to Chicago (NOTE: meant Chatfield) Tuesday afternoon on a visit to friends.
Park Sylvester left Monday morning for Farmersburg, Iowa where he has accepted a position with a road crew. He will have charge of a grading crew during the summer.
Mrs. E. L. Sylvester went to Chatfield Tuesday where she assisted in organizing an Auxiliary of the American Legion, returning home Wednesday.
E. L. Sylvester left for Winona on Thursday afternoon to attend the Maundy-Thursday Banquet of the Scottish Rite Masons.
April 21, 1922- Mrs. Edwin L. Sylvester of this city, is a delegate to the Pan-American Conference and National League of Women Voters, from the First District. The appointment was made this week by Congressman Anderson and shows an appreciation for the work done by Mrs. Sylvester during the past few years.
Mrs. G. F. Sylvester returned Wednesday from her visit to her daughters at Chicago and Moline, Ill.
G. F. Sylvester is arranging to install the first radio phone in the city. He will place the apparatus in his home and expects to derive much pleasure by listening in for special news and musical concerts.
Mrs. E. L. Sylvester departed Tuesday evening and met the State Delegation at Chicago. From there they will travel over the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad to their destination.
May 5, 1922- Travelers Club – Mrs. F. A. Taylor
Officers… Mrs. G. F. Sylvester, sec.
Delegate for District Convention at Austin – Mrs. G. F. Sylvester
Mrs. G. F. Sylvester is on the convention program for a short talk on Art.
May 12, 1922- Mrs. E. L. Sylvester returned last Friday from the East where she had been in attendance at a conference of the League of Women Voters. Mrs. Sylvester reports a wonderful trip both in pleasure and valued information. While in the East she had the pleasure of being a dinner guest of Senator F. B. Kellogg and also spent time with Congressman Anderson in Washington.
May 19, 1922- Edwin L. Sylvester Jr. spent Sunday at home, returning to the University on Monday afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Schwanbeck and Mr. and Mrs. G. F. Sylvester drove to Winona Sunday where they attended the recital given by Geraldine Farrar in the
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