Father: Unknown
Mother: Unknown

Family 1: Desire HOWLAND

(1) Source: U.S., New England Marriages Prior to 1700 via

  1. Desire GORHAM
  2. Temperance GORHAM
  3. Elizabeth GORHAM
  4. James GORHAM
  5. Johnm GORHAM
  6. Joseph GORHAM
  7. Jabez GORHAM
  8. Mercy GORHAM
  9. Lydia GORHAM
  10. Hannah GORHAM
  11. Shubael GORHAM

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Updated January 10, 2025. Compiled by Howder ( from the following source(s):

(1) Mayflower Increasings via

"Desire HOWLAND-2... m. c1643, prob. Plymouth, Capt. John GORUM/GORHAM , b. c1621/2 , buried 5 Feb. 1675/6, Swansea, ae 54 years . There are conflicting accounts as to the parentage of John GORUM. Elizabeth P. White, in her above mentioned first volume, states he was the son of Ralph GORUM who was bpt. 28 Jan 1620/1, Benefield Northamptonshire, England. In MD 5:174-5, George E. Bowman discusses John's parentage and feels there is a stronger case for John being the son of a John GORUM, based on the writings of Col. John GORHAM, great-grandson of John & Desire. Col. John states in his "Wast Book and Dayly Journal' that the family was from Huntingtunshear , England and that his 'great-great-grandfather' had one son nam'd aftr him John Gorum'. (Interesting to note that Desire's father, John HOWLAND was from Huntingtonshire.) He goes on to say that the father lived in Marshfield while the son moved to Barnstable. (The 1643 list of men able to bear arms shows a John 'GORAME' in Plymouth and a John 'GOARUM' at Marshfield .) Col. John's writings also state that while on a voyage to London in 1737 he had a search made for the family coat of arms and since a fee of seven shillings six pence was paid, Bowman feels the search was successful which means he was well aware of the family heritage. There was a Ralph GORHAM living in Plymouth between 1637-1642 (he is not on the 1643 list) but no connection has been found between him and Capt. John. Bowman also points out that there was an unidentified John GORUM living at Lynn between 1647-1651. (See HOWLAND Probate Appendix for estates of Capt. John and Desire GORUM/GORHAM.) "

(2) Some descendants of Captain John Gorham of Plymouth Colony in New York State and the Western Reserve via

"John GORHAM of Plymouth Colony, son of Ralph GORHAM, was married in 1643, at the age of 22, to Desire HOWLAND. In 1646, the young couple moved from Plymouth to Marshfield, where John was chosen constable in 1648. From there he moved to Yarmouth, adjoining Barnstable, in 1652.. He owned lands on both the north and the south side of County Road. 'There were few better farms in the colony than Captain GORHA's -- it was well watered, convenient to the meadows and contained soils adopted to the cultivation of a great variety of crops'. He also owned the grist mill, known as Hallett's Mill, the tannery on the mill pond, and the landing place or wharf near it. Active in the affairs of the colony, John served as deputy from Yarmouth to the Plymouth Colony Court at the special session, April 6, 1653; and in 1654 as surveyor of highways in the town of Yarmouth. In 1673 he received the appointment of lieutenant of the Plymouth forces in the Dutch War, and in both 1773 and 1674 he was a member of the Board of Selectmen in the town of Barnstable... He selected a tract of 400 acres at Papasquash Neck, in Swansea, which was granted to him in July 1669... the Court consigned to his heirs and successors forever the 400 acres... In 1675, during attacks by King Philip's men, he responded to orders to all captains of all the colonies to march without delay. At the head of 29 mounted men from Yarmouth, he 'took the first march' for Mount Hope... Capt. GORHAM and his company marched into Massachusetts. He arrived after the total defeat of Captain LOTHROP at Sugar Loaf Hill... Captain GORHAM and his company were in the sanquinary battle at the Swamp Fort in the Narraganset country, fought December 19, 1675. That battle was decisive in its results. It not only crushed the power of the Narragansetts, but it destroyed the hope of King Philip and his allies... 'Captain GORHAM never recovered from the cold and fatigue to which he was exposed on the expedition. He was seized with fever and died at Swansea where he was buried Feb. 5, 1675-6.' Colonel John GORHAM gives a different version of Captain John's death in his 'Wast Book': 'and there Was Wownded by having his poudr Horn Shot and Split against his side and wownded -- and died att Swansey...' Captain John GORHAM was fifty-four years of age at his death."

"They had the following children: Desire, b. 2 April 1644, Plymouth; Temperance, b. 5 May, 1646, Marshfield; Elizabeth, 2 April 1648, Marshfield; James, b. 28 April 1650, Marshfield; John, b. 20 Feb. 1651, Marshfield; Joseph, b. 16 Feb. 1653, Yarmouth; Jabez, b. 3 Aug. 1656, Barnstable; Mercy, b. 20 Jan. 1658, Barnstable; Lydia, b. 16 Nov 1661, Barnstable; Hannah, b. 28 Nov. 1663, Barnstable; Shubael, b. 21 Oct. 1667, Barnstable."

(3) North America, Family Histories, 1500-2000 via

"DESIRE HOWLAND... married in 1643 Captain John GORHAM. He was baptized at Bennefield, England, 28 January 1621; died at Swansea February 1676; captain in King Philip's war; son of Ralph GORHAM, son of James GORHAM (and Agnes BENNINGTON), who died 1576, and was descended from the De GORRAM of La Tannieiere, near Gorram, in Maine, France, on the borders of Brittany."

(4) U.S., New England Marriages Prior to 1700 via

"GORHAM, John (?1621-1676) & Desire [HOWLAND] (?1624-1683); ca 1643; Plymouth/Marshfield/Yarmouth/Barnstable"

(5) U.S., Craftperson Files via

- Name: GORHAM, John (1621-1675)
- Place: Barnstable (Yarmouth) Mass.
- Occupation: Candle Maker
- Source: "Antiques", March 1986, p.602; SPNEA

(6) "How Gorham Got Its Name." Gorham Times [Gorham, Maine, USA], Friday, May 27, 2011, p. 1.

"The Town of Gorham was one of seven townships established in 1733 by the Massachusetts General Court. These seven townships were known as the Narragansett towns. The land in these towns was awarded to veterans, or heirs and survivors, of the Narragansett war, also known as King Philip's War, which took place between 1675 and 1676... One of the Plymouth companies of the colonial forces was commander Captain John GORHAM, whose son was Shubael GORHAM. Shubael was authorized, in an order from the Massachusetts General Court dated July 5, 1736, to assemble and convene a meeting of all the grantors and lots in Narragansett Number Seven to establish conditions for the 'settlement of the Township.' The town derived its name from John and Shubael GORHAM."

(7) web page, the complete Internet site for Mayflower history and genealogy.