Father: Unknown
Mother: Margaret //

Family 1: Isabel ROBINSON

(1) Source: Lockport Daily Journal; Lockport, New York, USA; Wednesday, September 12, 1894; Page 8.

  1. Sophia M. GRIFFIS
  2. Vania E. GRIFFIS
  3. William P. GRIFFIS
  4. Mary M. GRIFFIS
  5. Jennie M. GRIFFIS
  6. Harriet Isabel GRIFFIS
  7. Carrie Maud GRIFFIS
  8. George D. GRIFFIS
  9. Gertie GRIFFIS
  10. Ruby N. GRIFFIS

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Updated December 24, 2024. Compiled by Howder ( from the following source(s):

(1) 1850 United States Census for New York, Niagara Co., Cambria: August 26, 1850.

John M. GRIFFIS is head of household. He was born in New York and operates a farm valued at $7,600. His 55-year-old mother, Margaret (maiden surname unknown) GRIFFIS resides with him as well as two elderly GRIFFIS women (grandmother? great-aunt? some other relationship?): Dianna GRIFFIS, age 96 and Susanna GRIFFIS, age 94. The farm is sandwiched between the HOWDER and FARNSWORTH holdings.

(2) 1850 United States Agricultural Census for New York, Niagara Co., Cambria: August 26, 1850.

- Name: John M. GRIFFIS
- Improved Acres: 27
- Unimproved Acres: 13
- Value of Farm: $1,500
- Value of Farming Implements and Machinery: $100
- Horses: 2
- Milch Cows: 3
- Swine: 3
- Value of Live Stock: $185
- Wheat, Bushels: 200
- Indian Corn, Bushels: 50
- Irish Potatoes, Bushels: 6
- Barley, Bushels: 100
- Butter, Pounds: 200
- Value of Home-made Manufactures: $15
- Value of Animals Slaughtered: $28

(3) 1855 New York State Census, Niagara Co., Town of Cambria: June 11, 1855.

John M. GRIFFIS is head of household, married to Isabele [ROBINSON] GRIFFIS. He is 36 years old, born in Rensselaer Co., NY and has resided in Niagara Co. for 27 years. He is a farmer. Their daughter Malissa GRIFFIS resides with them as does John's mother Margaret GRIFFIS and sisters Diana M. and Susannah E. GRIFFIS.

(4) 1860 United States Census for New York, Niagara Co., the Town of Cambria (Pekin, NY Post Office): Page 49; July 19, 1860.

John and Isabell [ROBINSON] GRIFFIS and family live with John's mother Margaret GRIFFIS. John is 37 years old, a farmer, and was born in Rensselaer Co., NY. Children in the household are Sophia M., Vania E., and William P. GRIFFIS.

(5) U.S., Civil War Draft Registrations Records via

- Location: New York; 29th Congressional District (Counties of Niagara, Genesee and Wyoming)
- Date: June 1863
- Residence: Cambria
- Name: GRIFFICE, John M.
- Age: 43
- Occupation: Farmer
- Birthplace: New York

(6) 1865 New York State Census, Niagara Co., Town of Cambria: June 20, 1865; pages 25-26.

John GRIFFIS is head of household, married to Isabel [ROBINSON] GRIFFIS. John is 46 years old, however the remainder of his entry is illegible. Their children Sophia and Mary reside with them. In addition, John's mother Margaret GRIFFIS and Isabel's mother Nancy [HOWDER] ROBINSON (widow of Hiram) reside in the household, as does Isabel's sister Lucy ROBINSON.

(7) 1870 United States Census for New York, Niagara Co., Subdivision No. 49 Town of Cambria (Cambria Post Office): page 36, June 30, 1870.

John GRIFFIS is head of household, married to Isabell [ROBINSON] GRIFFIS. He was born in New York, is 49 years old and is a farmer with real estate valued at $5,000 and personal estate valued at $1,480. He is eligible to vote. Children in the household are Sophia, Mary, Jennie and Hattie. John's mother Margaret GRIFFIS is a resident, as is Isabel's mother Nancy [HOWDER] ROBINSON.

(8) 1870 United States Agricultural Census for New York, Niagara Co., Town of Cambria: page 9.

- Name: GRIFFIS, John
- Improved Acres: 45
- Unimproved Wood-land: 2
- Cash Value of Farm: $5,000
- Cash Value of From Implements and Machinery: $150
- Total Amount of Wages Paid: $200
- Horses: 2
- Milch Cows: 2
- Other Cattle: 1
- Swine: 1
- Value of Live Stock: $480
- Winter Wheat, Bushels: 300
- Indian Corn, Bushels: 50
- Potatoes, Irish, Bushels: 50
- Orchard Products: $250
- Butter, Pounds: 375
- Hay, Tons: 8
- Value of Animals Slaughtered: $25
- Total Value of Farm Production: $950

(9) 1875 New York State Census, Niagara Co., Town of Cambria: page 2, June 1, 1875.

John M. GRIFFIS is head of household, married to Isabelle [ROBINSON] GRIFFIS. He is 56 years old, born in Rensselaer Co., NY and is a farmer. Children in the household are Sophia M., Mary M., Jennie M., Hattie B., Carrie M. and George D. GRIFFIS. John's mother Margaret GRIFFIS (age 85, born in Rensselaer Co., NY) also resides in the household. They lived in a framed dwelling valued at $1,200.

(10) 1880 United States Census for New York, Niagara Co., Town of Cambria: Supervisor's District 11; Enumeration District 176; pages 46-47; June 28, 1880.

John M. GRIFFIS is head of household, married to Isabella [ROBINSON] GRIFFIS. He is 61 years old and a farmer. He was born in New York, with his parents born in Connecticut. Children in the household are Mary M., Jennie M., Hattie B., Carrie M., George D., and Gertie A. GRIFFIS. John's mother, Margaret GRIFFIS, is also a resident.

(11) 1880 United States Census Agricultural Census for New York, Niagara Co., Town of Cambria: Supervisor's District 11; Enumeration District 176; page 30; June 28, 1880.

- Name: John M. GFIFFIS (owner)
- Improved, Tilled Acres: 54
- Value of Farm: $5,000
- Value of Implements and Machinery: $400
- Value of Live Stock: $500
- Wages Paid: $100
- Weeks of Hired Labor: 25
- Value of Farm Production: $684
- Grass Land, Acres Mowed: 7
- Grass Land, Acres Not Mowed: 6
- Hay, Tons: 7
- Clover Seed, Bushels: 2
- Horses: 2
- Milch Cows: 2
- Other Cows: 1
- Calves Dropped: 2
- Purebred Cattle: 1
- Cattle, Sold Living: 2
- Butter, Pounds: 275
- Swine: 3
- Poultry, Barn-yard: 100
- Eggs Produced: 850
- Barley: 1 Acre; 6 Bushels
- Indian Corn: 6 Acres; 350 Bushels
- Wheat: 10 Acres; 150 Bushels
- Beans, Dry: 25 Bushels

(12) 1892 New York State Census for Niagara Co., Town of Cambria, First Election District: page 6; February 16, 1892.

John M. GRIFFITH is head of household, married to Isabel GRIFFITH. John is 72 years old, born in the U.S., and is a farmer. Their children George D. and Ruby A. GRIFFITH also reside in the household.

(13) New York, U.S., Death Index via

- Name: John GRIFFIS
- Death Date: 9 Sep 1894
- Death Place: Cambria, New York, USA
- Certificate Number: 36818

(14) Lockport Daily Journal; Lockport, New York, USA; Wednesday, September 12, 1894; Page 8

"OBITUARY. JOHN M. GRIFFIS. Died at his home in Cambria, N. Y., Sept. 9, 1894, aged 75 years. He was born in Petersburg, Rensselaer county, N. Y., May 17, 1819. He came with his parents to Cambria when a boy of 9 years, where he has since resided. He was a kind and indulgent husband and father, and all through his long and lingering illness manifested great patience and fortitude. He was striken with paralysis eight years ago last May, and for four years of that time he was a helpless invalid, and for the past three months was confined to the bed and was not able to help himself in any way. His ever faithful wife, who trusts the Savior so devotedly, cared for him with the utmost kindness to the last. She consoled herself that all was for the best; even the loss of their beautiful daughter, Gertrude, who departed this life only six months since. He was married to Isabelle ROBINSON, March 17th, 1852, at Warren's Corners. Surviving him are his wife and seven children: Mrs. J. A. BALLIETT, Chicago, Ill.; Mrs. Chas. H. WARREN, Porter; Mrs. L. E. GILRIE, Lockport; Hattie, Carrie, George and Rubie at home. Besides there are three grand-children: Floyd G. IRIE, Vernie and Chester WARREN. His two sisters, Mrs. Miranda CURTIS, Mankan, Wis.; and Mrs. D. S. ADAMS, Warren's Corners, are also living. The funeral services were conducted by Rev. D. T. WILLIAMS and the singing by the Cambria Center Quartette. The bearers were Messrs. Orin SWIFT, Isaac BLACKMAN, Joseph BOWER, Aaron MARTIN, Norman POMEROY and John FARNSWORTH. The interment was at Budd's cemetery, Sept. 11th."

(15) Find a Grave

- Name: John M GRIFFIS
- Birth: 1819
- Death: 1894 (aged 74–75)
- Burial: Budd Cemetery; Cambria, Niagara County, New York, USA
- Memorial ID: 65197874

(16) Pool, William,. Landmarks of Niagara County, New York. Syracuse, N.Y.: D. Mason & Co., 1897. Page 216. Charles H. Warren biography.

... "he married Mary M. GRIFFITHS, daughter of John M. and Isabel (ROBINSON) GRIFFITHS, he [John M.] was born in Rensselaer county and she in Cambria. John GRIFFITHS came to Cambria when ten years old with his parents, Peter and Margaret GRIFFITHS..."