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Location of Surname Variations in the United States

Hauder, Haueter, Hauter, Houder, Houter & Howder

Is this a Common Surname?


This surname is extremely rare but there are enough instances to make for an interesting study. I have attempted to compile a few statistics on this page.

If your surname is Hauder, Haueter, Hauter, Houder, Houter, or Howder, or if this is your maiden name, or if you're married to someone with this surname you are part of a very select group. Congratulations on your good fortune!

Surname Variation as Percent of Total

In December 1997 I searched Switchboard, an online directory of telephone listings in the United States for six different surname variations: Hauder, Haueter, Hauter, Houder, Houter and Howder. Using this I uncovered a list of 562 households. The full number of individuals with a variation of the surname will undoubtedly be higher since many households have unlisted telephone numbers and would never appear in Switchboard, the average household size is greater than one person, and switchboard probably does not have every publicly available telephone listing in the United States. Nonetheless if we make an assumption that these factors apply equally to each surname variation, we can estimate the relative frequency of each.

Surname variations fell into three distinct categories when compared against each other: frequent; moderately frequent; and trace. In the sample, Haueter and Hauter appeared frequently, Howder and Hauder appeared with moderate frequency; and Houder and Houter appeared in trace amounts. Actual percentages appear in Figure 1.

Figure 1.

Surname      Nationwide   Percent of
Variations   Households   Households
__________   __________   _____________

Hauder           71          12.6%
Haueter         215          38.3%
Hauter          178          31.7%
Houder           21           3.7%
Houter            1           0.2%
Howder           76          13.5%

TOTAL           562         100.0%

SOURCE:  Switchboard, December 1997.

The surname can also be found in Canada but in different percentages and at lower levels, as outlined in Figure 2. Only seven examples could be found in Canada, all within the province of Ontario. The most interesting variation is "Houter." In Canada there were three occurrences, but in the United States there was only a single instance.

Figure 2.
(all found in Ontario)

Surname      Nationwide   Percent of
Variations   Households   Households
__________   __________   __________

Hauder            0           0.0%
Haueter           3          42.9%
Hauter            0           0.0%
Houder            1          14.2%
Houter            3          42.9%
Howder            0           0.0%

TOTAL             7         100.0%

SOURCE:  Canada411, December 1997.

No variation of the surname would be considered common in either the United States or Canada when compared against the total population of either country. Bear in mind that there were only 562 instances found in the entire United States and only 7 in Canada!

Household Location by Surname Variation

I converted the surname data downloaded from Switchboard, discussed above, into a comma-delimited file. Next I loaded the file into a spreadsheet and sorted the occurrences by State, City and Zip Code. I used the resulting list to develop a map of the United States, showing the location of each household color-coded by surname variation. The results can be seen in Figure 3. Most striking, this is a 100% sample of every household. Try doing that with a surname like Smith or Johnson!

The map makes it easy to distinguish settlement patterns:

  • Hauder appears near Lincoln, Nebraska; Boise, Idaho; Reno, Nevada; and Central Missouri.

  • Haueter appears in great numbers around Akron, Ohio; and in smaller groups near Lansing, Michigan; Cincinnati, Ohio; Salt Lake City, Utah; and Eastern Oregon / Boise, Idaho.

  • Hauter appears heavily near Peoria, Illinois; and Toledo, Ohio; and in smaller concentrations throughout Illinois; Indiana; Michigan; Ohio; and in the vicinity of New York City.

  • Houder appears sporadically in Colorado; near Houston, Texas; and in the vicinity of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

  • Houter could only be found in Bakersfield, CA.

  • Howder appears in Southeast Illinois / Southwest Indiana; and near Ann Arbor, Michigan; the District of Columbia; and Atlanta, Georgia.

  • Both California and Florida had a wide assortment of surname variations with no dominant concentrations, perhaps as a result of more recent migrations?

And here is the complete set of data points displayed on a map of the United States.

Figure 3: Household Locations in the U.S. by Surname Variation
[IMAGE: Household Location by Surname Variation]

Most Common Surname Variation by State

By taking the analysis one step further one can determine the dominant surname variation by State. In Figure 4, I have graphically depicted a "winner take all" approach whereby the surname variation with the most households received credit for dominating the State. A text based version of the same information can also be found in Figure 6. I followed this method even when the number of households differed only by one, so ties occurred only when the number of households were exactly equal.

Interestingly each variation dominates in at least three States (except Houter which appeared in negligible quantities anyway). Even the variation Houder, which was found in only 21 households, managed to dominate in Colorado, Pennsylvania and Delaware.

Figure 4: Most Common Surname Variation by U.S. State
[IMAGE: Most Common Surname Variation by U.S. State]

Surname Household Density by State

A wide degree of household density exists from State to State as detailed in the graphic in Figure 5 and in the table in Figure 6. I developed a surname frequency ratio based on the number of households versus the total population in each State. This is not the true population density for the reasons discussed above, but a method to determine relative frequency. For example, Oregon has a surname frequency ratio of 5306 while Kentucky has a ratio of 2575, meaning that one would be about twice as likely to find a household with a variation of the surname in Oregon than in Kentucky. Also for example, California has more surname households than any other State, but it also has the highest population, so its surname frequency ratio of 2572 doesn't even place it in the Top 10.

The locations with the highest surname frequency ratios are found in Nebraska, a cluster of midwestern States (Michigan, Illinois, Indiana and Ohio), and a grouping of mountain west States (Idaho, Oregon, Nevada, and Utah). In general, northern States had higher surname frequency ratios than southern States.

Figure 5: Surname Household Density by U.S. State
[Surname Household Density by U.S. State]

Surname Frequency Ratio Table

Figure 6.

                      Est.      Surname    Surname  Most Frequent
                   Population  Households   Freq.   Surname
State               Jul. 96    Dec. 1997    Ratio   Variation
                      (1)         (2)        (3)    (4)
_________________  __________  __________  _______  _____________________

Nebraska            1,652,093      23       13922   Hauder
Utah                2,000,494      19        9498   Haueter
Idaho               1,189,251      11        9250   Hauder
Ohio               11,172,782      75        6713   Haueter
Nevada              1,603,163       9        5614   Hauder
Oregon              3,203,735      17        5306   Haueter
Michigan            9,594,350      46        4794   Hauter
Indiana             5,840,528      26        4452   Howder
Illinois           11,846,544      47        3967   Hauter
Florida            14,399,985      43        2986   Hauter
Iowa                2,851,792       8        2805   Hauder
Kentucky            3,883,723      10        2575   Haueter
California         31,878,234      82        2572   Haueter
Colorado            3,822,676       8        2093   Houder
Dist. of Columbia     543,213       1        1841   Howder
Connecticut         3,274,238       6        1832   Hauter
Virginia            6,675,451      12        1798   Howder
Wisconsin           5,159,795       9        1744   Haueter
Minnesota           4,657,758       8        1718   Haueter
Hawaii              1,183,723       2        1690   Hauter
Alaska                607,007       1        1647   Hauder
Washington          5,532,939       9        1627   Hauter
Kansas              2,572,150       4        1555   Hauder
Delaware              724,842       1        1380   Houder
Missouri            5,358,692       7        1306   Hauder
Oklahoma            3,300,902       4        1212   Haueter
Arkansas            2,509,793       3        1195   Hauter
Montana               879,372       1        1137   Haueter
Texas              19,128,261      18         941   Hauter
New Jersey          7,987,933       7         876   Hauter
New Hampshire       1,162,481       1         860   Hauter
Georgia             7,353,225       6         816   Howder
Maryland            5,071,604       4         789   Hauter/Howder
Tennessee           5,319,654       4         752   Haueter/Hauter
Pennsylvania       12,056,112       9         747   Houder
Arizona             4,428,068       3         677   Haueter/Hauter/Houder
New York           18,184,774      10         550   Hauter
North Carolina      7,322,870       4         546   Haueter
South Carolina      3,698,746       2         541   Haueter
Massachusetts       6,092,352       2         328   Haueter/Hauter
Alabama             4,273,084       0           0   n/a
Louisiana           4,350,579       0           0   n/a
Maine               1,243,316       0           0   n/a
Mississippi         2,716,115       0           0   n/a
New Mexico          1,713,407       0           0   n/a
North Dakota          643,539       0           0   n/a
Rhode Island          990,225       0           0   n/a
South Dakota          732,405       0           0   n/a
Vermont               588,654       0           0   n/a
West Virginia       1,825,754       0           0   n/a
Wyoming               481,400       0           0   n/a

UNITED STATES     265,283,783     562        2118     


(1) Population Estimates Program, Population Division, U.S. Bureau of the 
    Census, Washington, DC 20233 (Release date:  Dec. 30, 1996).
(2) Switchboard internet telephone directory (www.switchboard.com).
(3) Estimated Population divided by Surname Households, to seven places 
    with decimal point and leading zeros removed.
(4) Switchboard internet telephone directory (www.switchboard.com).

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