I noticed yesterday evening that the Mob Rule County Counting website added Canadian provinces as of December 29, 2011. That means that all loyal 12MC readers from Canada, or those from South of the Border who have traveled extensively in Canada, can now expand their county counting fun considerably.
I’ve already added my pathetic results, an embarrassment that will hopefully motivate me to travel more extensively in Canada in the future. My travel is the embodiment of the “almost everyone in Canada lives near the border” phenomenon. I’ve driven from the United States to each of the three largest Canadian cities: Toronto; Montréal and Vancouver. That’s great from an urban point of view but not so encouraging from the perspective of geographic coverage. It amounts to three tiny specks.
Google Earth seems to have a decent overlay of Canadian counties. Does anyone know if any of the online map sites provide an overlay either directly or as part of a mashup?
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