Counties in Minnesota that I have Visited

There are 87 Counties in Minnesota – “The Land of 10,000 Lakes

Also be sure to see my United States County Counting Page for the rest of the states.

Minnesota Counties Visited

I have visited 23 Counties = 26.4% of Counties in Minnesota

Counties visited are colored-in; counties still needing to be visited are blank.  Map created using Mob Rule.

Twelve Mile Circle Articles Featuring Places in Minnesota

Markers designate the Minnesota locations featured in Twelve Mile Circle articles.

Interesting Minnesota County Trivia

Red Lake County may be the only county in the United States that has borders with only two other counties while being totally landlocked. Pennington County borders it on the north, and Polk County wraps around and borders it on the west, south and east.

Counties in Minnesota

Mall of America
Mall of America in Bloomington

Below are the 87 counties in Minnesota. Although infrequent, counties sometimes do change so please let me know if any of this information is out of date and I will update it. Those counties that I have visited are highlighted in Red. Readers can also link to any articles manually in this section if the map isn’t working.

  1. Aitkin
  2. Anoka
  3. Becker: Big Tom the Turkey; The Visual Genius of Dave Oswald; For More Birds
  4. Beltrami
  5. Benton
  6. Big Stone: Giant Artichoke
  7. Blue Earth: Fort L’Huillier; Railroads Torment Colfax; Reconciliation Park
  8. Brown: Sleepy Eye
  9. Carlton
  10. Carver
  11. Cass
  12. Chippewa
  13. Chisago: Sunrise
  14. Clay: Municipally Owned Telephone
  15. Clearwater: Walk Across the Mississippi River; No It’s Not There; River Headwaters and Sources
  16. Cook: Vegetable Chain; Lady Chain; JAP Lake; Highpoint to Lowpoint; No, It’s Not There
  17. Cottonwood
  18. Crow Wing
  19. Dakota
  20. Dodge
  21. Douglas
  22. Fairibault: Jolly Green Giant; Golden Stripe
  23. Fillmore
  24. Freeborn
  25. Goodhue: Lake Pepin
  26. Grant
  27. Hennepin: Largest county population in Minnesota (1,116,200 people in 2000 Census); Mall of America; Rock Bands with Geographic Names; That’s Siouan for Water; Follow the Letter; Where the Stadium Once Stood
  28. Houston
  29. Hubbard: Named for Schoolcraft
  30. Isanti
  31. Itasca: No, It’s Not There
  32. Jackson
  33. Kanabec
  34. Kandiyohi
  35. Kittson: Lancaster Minnesota to Lancashire England
  36. Koochiching: Ownership Error
  37. Lac Qui Parle
  38. Lake
  39. Lake of the Woods: The Northwest Angle
  40. Le Sueur
  41. Lincoln
  42. Lyon: That’s Siouan for Water
  43. Mahnomen
  44. Marshall
  45. Martin: Welcome
  46. McLeod
  47. Meeker
  48. Mille Lacs: Bogus
  49. Morrison
  50. Power
  51. Murray
  52. Nicollet
  53. Nobles
  54. Normal
  55. Olmsted
  56. Otter Tail
  57. Pennington
  58. Pine
  59. Pipestone
  60. Polk
  61. Pope
  62. Ramsey: Smallest county in Minnesota (156 square miles); Great Waters Brewing Co.; More Strange Signs; City of Frogs; Canadian Ethnic Enclave
  63. Red Lake: Fewest County Borders – Part III: Red Lake Co., MN
  64. Redwood
  65. Renville
  66. Rice
  67. Rock
  68. Roseau: What Crosses an Airport Runway?
  69. Scott
  70. Sherburne: City of Frogs
  71. Sibley
  72. St. Louis: Largest county in Minnesota (6,225 square miles); Tin Can Mike; Duluth’s Canal Park; Fitger’s Brewhouse; Farthest Inland Port
  73. Stearns
  74. Steele
  75. Stevens
  76. Swift
  77. Todd
  78. Traverse: Smallest county population in Minnesota (4,134 people in 2000 Census).
  79. Wabasha: The Sylvester Family of Plainview, Minnesota; The Half-Breed Tract; Lake Pepin; GPS and Genealogy
  80. Wadena: Nimrod
  81. Waseca
  82. Washington
  83. Watonwan
  84. Wilkin
  85. Winona: The Half-Breed Tract
  86. Wright
  87. Yellow Medicine

Quick Facts About Minnesota

  • Location: West North Central United States. See map above.
  • Size(1): 79,627 square miles. Minnesota is the 14th largest state. The next larger state is Kansas and the next smaller state is Nebraska.
  • Population(2): 5,611,179 people. Minnesota is the 22nd most populous state. The next more populous state is Colorado and the next less populous state is South Carolina.
  • Population Density: 70.5 people per square mile. Minnesota is the 30th most densely populated state. The next more densely populated state is West Virginia and the next less densely populated state is Vermont.
  • Bordering States: Minnesota shares a border with 4 states: North Dakota, South Dakota, Iowa and Wisconsin.
  • Admission to the Union: May 11, 1858. Minnesota was the 32nd state admitted to the Union, after California and before Oregon.
  • Capital: St. Paul.
  • Highest Point: 2,301 feet at Eagle Mountain. See SummitPost’s Eagle Mountain page.
  • Lowest Point: 600 feet at Lake Superior.
  • Government website:
  • Official Tourism website: Minnesota tourism.
  • Still not enough? See Wikipedia’s Minnesota page.


(1) Wikipedia: List of U.S. states and territories by area. Land area only.
(2) Wikipedia: List of states and territories of the United States by population. Estimated population on July 1, 2019.






One response to “Counties in Minnesota that I have Visited”

  1. Aaron Avatar

    Good luck with your project! We completed Texas a while back and look forward to starting Minnesota soon!

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