Counties in Missouri that I have Visited

There are 115 Counties in Missouri – “The Show Me State

Also be sure to see my United States County Counting Page for the rest of the states.

Missouri Counties Visited

I have visited 42 Counties = 36.5% of Counties in Missouri

Counties visited are colored-in; counties still needing to be visited are blank. Map created using Mob Rule.

Twelve Mile Circle Articles Featuring Places in Missouri

Markers designate the Missouri locations featured in Twelve Mile Circle articles.

Counties in Missouri

Mill and Covered Bridge in Missouri
Bollinger Mill & Burfordville Covered Bridge, Cape Girardeau

Below are the 115 counties in Missouri. Although infrequent, counties sometimes do change so please let me know if any of this information is out of date and I will update it. Those counties that I have visited are highlighted in Red. Readers can also link to any articles manually in this section if the map isn’t working.

  1. Adair
  2. Andrew
  3. Atchison
  4. Audrain
  5. Barry
  6. Barton: Switching Sides
  7. Bates
  8. Benton: That Other Warsaw
  9. Bollinger: Inland Hurricane
  10. Boone: Flat Branch Pub & Brewing
  11. Buchanan: The Airport on the “Wrong” Side of the River
  12. Butler
  13. Caldwell
  14. Callaway: Reality in the Real World; No Way! Way!
  15. Camden: Erasing Van Buren; Sunrise; State Nickname Streets
  16. Cape Girardeau: Historic District & Flood Wall; Cape Rock Park; Bollinger Mill
  17. Carroll
  18. Carter: Erasing Van Buren
  19. Cass: Quad County Towns, Crowdsourced; Erasing Van Buren
  20. Cedar
  21. Chariton
  22. Christian: Public Street
  23. Clarke
  24. Clay
  25. Clinton
  26. Cole
  27. Cooper
  28. Crawford: Reality in the Real World
  29. Dade
  30. Dallas
  31. Daviess
  32. Dekalb
  33. Dent
  34. Douglas
  35. Dunklin: John Hardeman Walker’s Bootheel
  36. Franklin: August Bottom Road
  37. Gasconade
  38. Gentry
  39. Greene
  40. Grundy
  41. Harrison
  42. Henry
  43. Hickory
  44. Holt
  45. Howard: Boone Scraps
  46. Howell
  47. Iron
  48. Jackson: Semi-Practical Exclaves Galore!; In the 4th of July Spirit; 75th Street Brewery; Hofbräuhaus Brewery & Biergarten; Mill Creek Restaurant and Brewery; River Market Brewing Company
  49. Jasper
  50. Jefferson: Crystal City
  51. Johnson
  52. Knox
  53. Laclede
  54. Lafayette
  55. Lawrence
  56. Lewis
  57. Lincoln
  58. Linn
  59. Livingston
  60. Macon
  61. Madison: Mine La Motte
  62. Maries
  63. Marion: Mark Twain Home
  64. McDonald
  65. Mercer
  66. Miller
  67. Mississippi: Dorena-Hickman Ferry; Riverboat Adventure; Ohio/Mississippi River Confluence
  68. Moniteau: Outside of California
  69. Monroe
  70. Montgomery
  71. Morgan: Sunrise
  72. New Madrid: New Counties
  73. Newton: Bonnie & Clyde Hideout
  74. Nodaway
  75. Oregon
  76. Osage
  77. Ozark
  78. Pemiscot: John Hardeman Walker’s Bootheel
  79. Perry
  80. Pettis
  81. Phelps: Rolla; Did Sir Walter Raleigh Get Drunk in Canada?
  82. Pike: Adjacent Counties, Same Name, Different States
  83. Platte
  84. Polk: Definitely Halfway
  85. Pulaski
  86. Putnam
  87. Ralls
  88. Randolph
  89. Ray
  90. Reynolds
  91. Ripley
  92. Saline
  93. Schuyler
  94. Scotland
  95. Scott
  96. Shannon
  97. Shelby
  98. St. Charles: Missouri Route 370
  99. St. Clair
  100. St. Francois
  101. St. Louis: Largest county population in Missouri (1,016,315 people in 2000 Census); Bellefontaine Neighbors; Maryland Heights; Natural Bridges
  102. St. Louis (independent city): City Museum; Dreadful Road Trip; Missouri Botanical Garden; Natural Bridges; Over the Road
  103. Ste. Genevieve: Crown Ridge Tiger Sanctuary
  104. Stoddard
  105. Stone
  106. Sullivan
  107. Taney
  108. Texas: Largest county in Missouri (1,179 square miles).
  109. Vernon
  110. Warren
  111. Washington: Certainly Not Austin
  112. Wayne: The State of Wayne
  113. Webster
  114. Worth: Smallest county in Missouri (267 square miles) and Smallest county population in Missouri (2,382 people in 2000 Census).
  115. Wright

Quick Facts About Missouri

  • Location: West North Central United States. See map above.
  • Size(1): 68,742 square miles. Missouri is the 18th largest state. The next larger state is North Dakota and the next smaller state is Oklahoma.
  • Population(2): 6,126,452 people. Missouri is the 18th most populous state. The next more populous state is Indiana and the next less populous state is Maryland.
  • Population Density: 89.1 people per square mile. Missouri is the 28th most densely populated state. The next more densely populated state is Alabama and the next less densely populated state is West Virginia.
  • Bordering States: Missouri shares a border with 8 states: Iowa; Nebraska; Kansas; Oklahoma; Arkansas; Tennessee; kentucky and Illinois.
  • Admission to the Union: August 10, 1821. Missouri was the 24th state admitted to the Union, after Maine and before Arkansas.
  • Capital: Jefferson City.
  • Highest Point: 1,772 feet at Taum Sauk Mountain. See SummitPost’s Taum Sauk Mountain page.
  • Lowest Point: 230 feet at St. Francis River in Dunklin Co.
  • Government website: Missouri State Government Home Page.
  • Official Tourism website: Welcome to Missouri.
  • Still not enough? See Wikipedia’s Missouri page.


(1) Wikipedia: List of U.S. states and territories by area. Land area only.
(2) Wikipedia: List of states and territories of the United States by population. Estimated population on July 1, 2019.






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